Health Inspector Development & Cut Content
Posted 4 months ago
It was supposed to be an NPC that would steal your food and make a mess. I didn't have time to code it. Now it's just a secret unprocessed meat type.
Originally we weren't going to have drinks. Then we got the idea to add Coffee. It would have taken too long to code.

We then decided to add a soda machine.

We had about a week remaining on the jam, so it was looking good. However, after some initial playtesting, the players found the game too complex (without drinks). We cut the drinks and decided to focus more on playtesting and user feedback.

Subway Train
The Chicago "L" subway train was supposed to drive past occasionally and vibrate the physics objects a little. I didn't have time to code this. Also, there were supposed to be cars driving past outside.
Minor Details
There are some other details that Diomonder modeled but I wasn't able to implement in time. For example, the wheels on the Health Inspector's car don't rotate (but you didn't notice)
We wanted to make it rain sometimes, and customers would leave dirty footprints when they entered the restaurant (that you would have to clean)

Music and Sound
I didn't have time to add music or more sounds.

I didn't have time to make the UI look good. Here are some concepts.
There is a leaderboard, but I think you can't see it.

Can you see these?

Leaderboards used to be shown when viewing the game's info on the s&box main menu. I think I need to code it into my game's UI now. I didn't have time to do that.
I originally wanted to add multiplayer, but decided not to very early on. Coding a multiplayer game takes a lot more time than coding a singleplayer game. Maybe in the future I'll add multiplayer and VR support.

Customer Eating Animation
I didn't have time to make an animation for customers eating, so they just do some random default animation instead.
This is a lot of cut content, but it's non-essential content that we cut early