"SingleAssetSource": "models/littlekitty/littlekitty_fbxrig_pub.vmdl",
"Summary": "A cat",
"Description": "Little Kitty from the video game Little Kitty, Big City!\n\nThis is a fully rigged 3d model.\n\nHave fun animating and posing. If you post to social media, use the #LittleKittyBigCity tag. :-)\n\nAlso, feel free to share it with the developer ( or Little Kitty Game! (\n\nDesign by: Juliana Chen and Valentina Hawes\nModel by: Valentina Hawes\nRig, Animations by: Micah Breitweiser",
"Public": true,
"PrimaryAsset": "models/littlekitty/littlekitty_fbxrig_pub.vmdl",
"ModelMetaVersion": 1,
"RenderMins": "-61.487,-9.836998,-0.4302948",
"RenderMaxs": "38.06499,9.837001,48.04916",
"PhysicsMins": "-60.91672,-10.39687,-0.392168",
"PhysicsMaxs": "38.19413,10.0193,48.0492",
"BoneCount": 58,
"MeshCount": 1,
"AttachmentCount": 0,
"BodyPartCount": 1