Hackweek Feb 2024
Posted 11 months ago
Internally, there's a sound mixing system called VMix and I've been trying to find a way to tame it for a year. Ideally, I want people to define their own mixers in the editor, and while vmix is doing that, it's huge, complicated and unwieldy.

So for a couple of days of the hackweek I decided to come at it from the other side. Instead of trying to tame vmix, I'll rip it all out and leave us with only the lowest level shit. We just want to read bytes from a sound and push them to a speaker.

This actually went amazingly well, and within a few hours I'd got the framework of our own audio system where we have 100% control from c#. 

In total I spent about 2 days on it, and really, 1.5 days of that has been trying to figure out how to make Steam Audio do what I wanted it to do.
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All in all, this has been a huge win for me. Now we can make the audio system more customizable, just like we've been waiting to.