I spent a lot of time fleshing out the editor over the last couple of months. I don't think everyone was convinced that it was a good thing to be focusing on, so I wanted to show more of my vision for it.
Using Valve's build of qt was limiting in a few ways
so I forked it and made some changes. I mainly wanted to fix how the DockWidget stuff worked, because by default it adds a
title bar with a close button to the docks. The modern way is to just have a tab bar.. so I changed that.
Then because all of the other tools were using the old windows style, I went through the tools and updated them to use the new frameless window to offer some consistency. I also went through all the tools to make them work properly with the new tab system.
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They're not all perfect, but there's at least a consist look between the tools and the editor window now.
Then I added Unity like controls to the game view. Allowing full screen, resolution restrictions, display modes and performance information.
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