September 2021
Posted 3 years ago
I worked a little bit on VRAD3 quality of life improvements this month

Irradiance color Scale

I wanted a better way for artists to control how vibrant their scenes would be lit, previously the only way to tweak how much indirect light bleed you have would be to change the power of the indirect light, this causes a lot of problems since it is not energy conserving, so it can look "off" to the eyes easily.

I have thought of a way to improve that for indirect lighting while respecting energy conservation.

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This is similar to some techniques used in the animation industry to make colors pop more.

Baked Light Cookies

You can also use our Light Cookie system in baked lights now, it is set up exactly as in a dynamic light and will irradiate indirect lighting too, just tick ???????????? in its properties
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It's recommended to turn off light indexing if your cookie is multicolored if you use this in your maps.