Initial Release!
Posted 7 days ago
First off, get yourself a copy of Intiface Central (free). It's the application that runs backend APIs that can connect to the list of devices above. Once installed, go over to the "App Modes" tab, and change the "Server Port" to 8080. This is necessary since the engine doesn't allow me to connect to port 12345, so I chose this one as it isn't likely in conflict with another application running on your device.

Once that is done, ensure that under "Device Managers" on the same tab you've enabled the one necessary for your device. You can search online for "Intiface <your device> setup" for the tutorial on how to set your device up.

Finally, if you've done all that, press the large play button in the top-left to start the server. Once that is done, you can walk over the Connect button on the ground in the demo, and it should connect to the game. Once you've done that, walk over the "Scan" button to scan for devices on your PC. And finally, walk over the remaining buttons.