{ "SingleAssetSource": "models/park_bench.vmdl", "Summary": "A color changeable park bench", "Description": "Sit down and take a load off, just watch out for the rusty bits! (tetanus shots not included)\n", "Public": true, "ReplaceTags": "park bench chair table metal", "PrimaryAsset": "models/park_bench.vmdl", "ModelMetaVersion": 1, "RenderMins": "-38.43901,-46.12372,-0.0000008817503", "RenderMaxs": "38.43901,46.12372,36.25229", "PhysicsMins": "-38.28431,-45.73914,-0.03125029", "PhysicsMaxs": "38.38577,46.04708,36.28352", "BoneCount": 0, "MeshCount": 1, "AttachmentCount": 0, "BodyPartCount": 1 }
Name | Size | |
/randkassets.park_bench | ||
text_snippet | thumb.png | 25.8KB |
materials | ||
insert_photo | park_bench_01_ao_png_a022ec43.generated.vtex_c | 1.4MB |
insert_photo | park_bench_01_black_color_png_b5ce8c22.generated.vtex_c | 2.1MB |
collections | park_bench_01_black.vmat_c | 5.8KB |
insert_photo | park_bench_01_blue_color_png_57568955.generated.vtex_c | 2.3MB |
collections | park_bench_01_blue.vmat_c | 5.8KB |
insert_photo | park_bench_01_normal_png_b38f2a27.generated.vtex_c | 3.4MB |
insert_photo | park_bench_01_red_color_png_dc63eb79.generated.vtex_c | 2.2MB |
collections | park_bench_01_red.vmat_c | 5.7KB |
insert_photo | park_bench_01_yellow_color_png_28dda4a.generated.vtex_c | 2.3MB |
collections | park_bench_01_yellow.vmat_c | 5.8KB |
models | ||
view_in_ar | park_bench.vmdl_c | 66.3KB |