{ "SingleAssetSource": "models/cushion01.vmdl", "Summary": "", "Description": "A static object with 3 different colors and 2 different levels of dirtiness, made for mappers to be used in integrated couch features", "Public": true, "ReplaceTags": "cushion couch pillow", "PrimaryAsset": "models/cushion01.vmdl", "ModelMetaVersion": 1, "RenderMins": "-12.36285,-12.02441,-0.0452428", "RenderMaxs": "12.48774,12.06816,5.486543", "PhysicsMins": "-11.55389,-11.78405,0.001556396", "PhysicsMaxs": "12.26652,11.81578,5.441505", "BoneCount": 0, "MeshCount": 1, "AttachmentCount": 0, "BodyPartCount": 1 }
Name | Size | |
/simonkvien.cushion01 | ||
text_snippet | thumb.png | 25KB |
materials | ||
collections | cushion_blue_clean.vmat_c | 5.3KB |
collections | cushion_blue.vmat_c | 5.2KB |
collections | cushion_green_clean.vmat_c | 5.3KB |
collections | cushion_green.vmat_c | 5.2KB |
collections | cushion_yellow_clean.vmat_c | 5.3KB |
collections | cushion_yellow.vmat_c | 5.2KB |
models | ||
view_in_ar | cushion01.vmdl_c | 20KB |
shaders | ||
text_snippet | simple.shader_c | 542.2KB |
textures | ||
insert_photo | cushion01_clean_color_png_3c02dd99.generated.vtex_c | 87.4KB |
insert_photo | cushion01_color_png_42002325.generated.vtex_c | 87.4KB |
insert_photo | cushion01_normal_png_3f543859.generated.vtex_c | 87.6KB |
insert_photo | cushion02_clean_color_png_808cd9fb.generated.vtex_c | 87.4KB |
insert_photo | cushion02_color_png_3d8852ea.generated.vtex_c | 87.4KB |
insert_photo | cushion03_clean_color_png_ae45a3e5.generated.vtex_c | 87.4KB |
insert_photo | cushion03_clean_normal_png_fbec2276.generated.vtex_c | 87.7KB |
insert_photo | cushion03_color_png_972a32d8.generated.vtex_c | 87.4KB |