Scrapyard Brawl - Post Mortem
Posted 22 days ago

In what felt like a very very long month, S&box grew on me right away to quickly become my new favorite engine. I'm a very long time unreal engine user, and there's still a lot of things I like about it, but I find C#, components, and the scene system make a lot more sense to my brain.

I think I would have really liked unity if I ever gave it a shot but I saw too many red flags to ever want to use it.

Not having to use C++ is a big plus. If I want to make a plugin (library) I don't have to learn a bunch of weird and complex things, I can easily extend mostly whatever I want with the same code I'm using for the game.

I said it in my last post and I'll say it again, I am super proud of what I created here, almost entirely solo. The only things I had help on were having the icons for the upgrades made by blstrmanx, and the track that plays during gameplay made by okinoth. I made a dynamic music system that adjusts based on what is going on during the game and okinoth did a great job understanding and making music that worked with this system out of the box.

I've always wanted to make a game with this specific art style and I'm glad I finally got to realize that in a very shiny package. Launch site is a bit rough around the edges because of how big it is, but I am still in love with the giant rocket and the skybox I made for it.