{ "SingleAssetSource": "maps/community_bowling.vmap", "Summary": "Remake of the classic TTT map, Community Bowling.", "Description": "Under the neon lights and the beaming fluorescents, the Traitors are about to Strike! And they\u0027re not Sparing anyone. This is a big bowling alley...they might have Split up. I can\u0027t tell which is more deadly, these puns or those darn explosive barrels...\n\nCreated by Bone and Nick. A faithful remake with a fresh coat of paint!\n\nThree Thieves Discord: https://discord.gg/GGvjVpZHb2", "Public": true, "GameSupport": [ "thieves.terrortown" ], "Resources": "", "PrimaryAsset": "maps/community_bowling.vmap" }