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view_in_ar | pot_01a.vmdl_c | 17.1KB |
models/props/trim_sheets/wardrobes | ||
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models/props/washing_machine | ||
view_in_ar | washing_machine.vmdl_c | 56.1KB |
models/sbox_props/concrete_barrier | ||
insert_photo | concrete_barrier_ao_tga_bfd6a81f.generated.vtex_c | 467.9KB |
insert_photo | concrete_barrier_color_tga_d36718b4.generated.vtex_c | 496.7KB |
insert_photo | concrete_barrier_detail_tga_14f0b896.generated.vtex_c | 252.2KB |
view_in_ar | concrete_barrier_gib3.vmdl_c | 6.3KB |
view_in_ar | concrete_barrier_gib6.vmdl_c | 6.6KB |
insert_photo | concrete_barrier_normal_tga_1c479039.generated.vtex_c | 1.3MB |
collections | concrete_barrier.vmat_c | 7.4KB |
models/sbox_props/oil_drum | ||
insert_photo | oil_drum_a_ao_tga_96047e5c.generated.vtex_c | 2.4MB |
insert_photo | oil_drum_a_color_tga_9846ef4c.generated.vtex_c | 3.8MB |
insert_photo | oil_drum_a_mask_tga_b47ef947.generated.vtex_c | 1.4MB |
insert_photo | oil_drum_a_normal_tga_9837397a.generated.vtex_c | 4.9MB |
collections | oil_drum_a.vmat_c | 6.9KB |
view_in_ar | oil_drum_a.vmdl_c | 57.7KB |
insert_photo | oil_drum_explosive_color_tga_d964b33a.generated.vtex_c | 4.4MB |
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view_in_ar | oil_drum_explosive_gib_05.vmdl_c | 10.3KB |
view_in_ar | oil_drum_explosive_gib_06.vmdl_c | 13.4KB |
insert_photo | oil_drum_explosive_normal_tga_da2e6a10.generated.vtex_c | 4.9MB |
collections | oil_drum_explosive.vmat_c | 6.4KB |
view_in_ar | oil_drum_explosive.vmdl_c | 58.8KB |
insert_photo | oil_drum_gibs_color_tga_7b73541a.generated.vtex_c | 4.7MB |
insert_photo | oil_drum_gibs_normal_tga_8c6067c1.generated.vtex_c | 4.9MB |
collections | oil_drum_gibs.vmat_c | 6.2KB |
models/sbox_props/watermelon | ||
insert_photo | watermelon_ao_tga_1aa73b19.generated.vtex_c | 7.9MB |
insert_photo | watermelon_color_tga_f6eb9ac4.generated.vtex_c | 7.7MB |
view_in_ar | watermelon_gib01.vmdl_c | 12.4KB |
view_in_ar | watermelon_gib02.vmdl_c | 9.9KB |
view_in_ar | watermelon_gib03.vmdl_c | 11.2KB |
view_in_ar | watermelon_gib04.vmdl_c | 12.6KB |
view_in_ar | watermelon_gib05.vmdl_c | 8.6KB |
view_in_ar | watermelon_gib06.vmdl_c | 7.9KB |
view_in_ar | watermelon_gib07.vmdl_c | 7.2KB |
view_in_ar | watermelon_gib08.vmdl_c | 7.3KB |
view_in_ar | watermelon_gib09.vmdl_c | 7KB |
view_in_ar | watermelon_gib10.vmdl_c | 11.1KB |
view_in_ar | watermelon_gib11.vmdl_c | 6.6KB |
view_in_ar | watermelon_gib12.vmdl_c | 8.8KB |
view_in_ar | watermelon_gib13.vmdl_c | 9.8KB |
insert_photo | watermelon_normal_tga_19c6904a.generated.vtex_c | 19.1MB |
insert_photo | watermelon_scatter_tga_680a83e5.generated.vtex_c | 14.4MB |
collections | watermelon.vmat_c | 6.4KB |
view_in_ar | watermelon.vmdl_c | 28.3KB |
models | ||
view_in_ar | terrortown_arms.vmdl_c | 665.3KB |
models/weapons/sbox_ammo/12g_shell | ||
insert_photo | 12g_shell_ao_tga_41895aa8.generated.vtex_c | 44.6KB |
insert_photo | 12g_shell_color_tga_2a2e35b0.generated.vtex_c | 87.6KB |
insert_photo | 12g_shell_normal_tga_2e887dc3.generated.vtex_c | 87.8KB |
collections | 12g_shell.vmat_c | 6.3KB |
view_in_ar | 12g_shell.vmdl_c | 18.6KB |
models/weapons/sbox_ammo/556x45_bullet | ||
insert_photo | 556_bullet_ao_tga_26df95c9.generated.vtex_c | 44.5KB |
insert_photo | 556_bullet_color_tga_5a1908d.generated.vtex_c | 87.5KB |
insert_photo | 556_bullet_normal_tga_e5934c95.generated.vtex_c | 87.7KB |
collections | 556_bullet.vmat_c | 6KB |
view_in_ar | 556x45_bullet.vmdl_c | 16.6KB |
models/weapons/sbox_ammo/762x51_bullet | ||
insert_photo | 762_bullet_ao_tga_85456b4.generated.vtex_c | 44.5KB |
insert_photo | 762_bullet_color_tga_ba7f4d2f.generated.vtex_c | 87.5KB |
insert_photo | 762_bullet_normal_tga_4e2fcfc8.generated.vtex_c | 87.7KB |
collections | 762_bullet.vmat_c | 6KB |
view_in_ar | 762x51_bullet.vmdl_c | 17.3KB |
models/weapons/sbox_ammo/9mm_bullet | ||
insert_photo | 9mm_bullet_ao_tga_f63e2073.generated.vtex_c | 94.4KB |
insert_photo | 9mm_bullet_color_tga_ecbc3379.generated.vtex_c | 251.3KB |
insert_photo | 9mm_bullet_normal_tga_2bfaab1d.generated.vtex_c | 237.8KB |
collections | 9mm_bullet.vmat_c | 6.4KB |
view_in_ar | 9mm_bullet.vmdl_c | 29.1KB |
models/weapons | ||
view_in_ar | v_ak.vmdl_c | 658.7KB |
view_in_ar | v_crowbar.vmdl_c | 224.1KB |
view_in_ar | v_deagle.vmdl_c | 732.7KB |
models/weapons/v_deagle | ||
insert_photo | low_d-eagle_basecolor_png_b0cb548.generated.vtex_c | 4MB |
insert_photo | low_d-eagle_normal_png_11579e98.generated.vtex_c | 4.6MB |
insert_photo | low_d-eagle_occlusion_png_70b8943a.generated.vtex_c | 2.1MB |
collections | tt_deagle.vmat_c | 5.4KB |
models/weapons | ||
view_in_ar | v_fal.vmdl_c | 900KB |
view_in_ar | v_firegrenade.vmdl_c | 314.1KB |
view_in_ar | v_flaregun.vmdl_c | 546.1KB |
view_in_ar | v_glock.vmdl_c | 558.6KB |
view_in_ar | v_m1911.vmdl_c | 462.8KB |
view_in_ar | v_m24.vmdl_c | 497.5KB |
view_in_ar | v_m249.vmdl_c | 795.2KB |
view_in_ar | v_m4a1.vmdl_c | 716.6KB |
view_in_ar | v_m9_bayonet_knife.vmdl_c | 373.8KB |
view_in_ar | v_magnetostick.vmdl_c | 272KB |
view_in_ar | v_mp5.vmdl_c | 476.1KB |
view_in_ar | v_poltergeist.vmdl_c | 899.9KB |
view_in_ar | v_revolver.vmdl_c | 632.6KB |
view_in_ar | v_smokegrenade.vmdl_c | 314.1KB |
view_in_ar | v_spas12.vmdl_c | 746.6KB |
view_in_ar | v_ump.vmdl_c | 521KB |
view_in_ar | v_uzi.vmdl_c | 584.2KB |
view_in_ar | v_zmp.vmdl_c | 279KB |
view_in_ar | w_ak.vmdl_c | 223.7KB |
view_in_ar | w_crowbar.vmdl_c | 10.9KB |
view_in_ar | w_deagle.vmdl_c | 441.3KB |
view_in_ar | w_fal.vmdl_c | 705.5KB |
view_in_ar | w_firegrenade.vmdl_c | 209.1KB |
view_in_ar | w_flaregun.vmdl_c | 604KB |
view_in_ar | w_glock.vmdl_c | 416.4KB |
view_in_ar | w_m1911.vmdl_c | 138.7KB |
view_in_ar | w_m24.vmdl_c | 542.5KB |
view_in_ar | w_m249.vmdl_c | 1.7MB |
view_in_ar | w_m4a1.vmdl_c | 416.4KB |
view_in_ar | w_m9_bayonet_knife.vmdl_c | 173KB |
view_in_ar | w_magnetostick.vmdl_c | 82KB |
view_in_ar | w_mp5.vmdl_c | 188.4KB |
view_in_ar | w_poltergeist.vmdl_c | 644KB |
view_in_ar | w_revolver.vmdl_c | 491.6KB |
view_in_ar | w_smokegrenade.vmdl_c | 66.7KB |
view_in_ar | w_spas12.vmdl_c | 383.2KB |
view_in_ar | w_ump.vmdl_c | 595.2KB |
view_in_ar | w_uzi.vmdl_c | 533KB |
view_in_ar | w_zmp.vmdl_c | 123.2KB |
particles/blood | ||
text_snippet | blood merged.vpcf_c | 1.8KB |
text_snippet | blood_impact.vpcf_c | 2.1KB |
text_snippet | blood.vpcf_c | 3KB |
text_snippet | blood00.vpcf_c | 2.9KB |
text_snippet | blood01.vpcf_c | 2.9KB |
text_snippet | blood02.vpcf_c | 3KB |
text_snippet | blood03.vpcf_c | 2.9KB |
text_snippet | blood04.vpcf_c | 2.9KB |
text_snippet | blooddecal01.vpcf_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | blooddecal02.vpcf_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | blooddecal03.vpcf_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | blooddecal04.vpcf_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | blooddecal05.vpcf_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | blooddecal06.vpcf_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | blooddecal07.vpcf_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | blooddecal08.vpcf_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | blooddecal09.vpcf_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | blooddecal10.vpcf_c | 2.5KB |
particles | ||
text_snippet | bomb_sparks.vpcf_c | 2.8KB |
particles/casings | ||
text_snippet | 556casing.vpcf_c | 3.5KB |
text_snippet | 762casing.vpcf_c | 3.5KB |
text_snippet | 9mmcasing.vpcf_c | 3.5KB |
text_snippet | shotguncasing.vpcf_c | 3.5KB |
particles | ||
text_snippet | discombob_bomb.vpcf_c | 3.3KB |
text_snippet | dnascan_ping.vpcf_c | 2.2KB |
text_snippet | explosion_flare.vpcf_c | 1.6KB |
text_snippet | explosion.light.vpcf_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | explosion.smoke.vpcf_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | explosion.vpcf_c | 2.9KB |
particles/explosion/barrel_explosion | ||
text_snippet | explosion_barrel_02.vpcf_c | 4.5KB |
text_snippet | explosion_fire_ring_02.vpcf_c | 3.8KB |
text_snippet | explosion_flash_02.vpcf_c | 4KB |
text_snippet | explosion_gib_03.vpcf_c | 4.7KB |
text_snippet | explosion_gib_04.vpcf_c | 5.2KB |
text_snippet | explosion_gib_embers_ground.vpcf_c | 3.7KB |
text_snippet | explosion_gib_large_fire_02.vpcf_c | 3.5KB |
text_snippet | explosion_gib_wispy_smoke.vpcf_c | 3.2KB |
text_snippet | explosion_ground_a.vpcf_c | 1.9KB |
text_snippet | explosion_ground.vpcf_c | 2KB |
text_snippet | explosion_refraction.vpcf_c | 3.1KB |
text_snippet | explosion_shock_ring_02.vpcf_c | 4KB |
text_snippet | explosion_smoke_03.vpcf_c | 4.1KB |
text_snippet | explosion_smoke_ring_02.vpcf_c | 3.7KB |
text_snippet | explosion_smoke2.vpcf_c | 4KB |
text_snippet | flying_embers_bright.vpcf_c | 3.2KB |
particles/explosion | ||
insert_photo | explosion_emission001.vtex_c | 60.7KB |
particles | ||
text_snippet | fire.vpcf_c | 4.1KB |
text_snippet | fireball.vpcf_c | 4.1KB |
text_snippet | fireballsmoke.vpcf_c | 2.9KB |
text_snippet | firebomb_flames.vpcf_c | 3.7KB |
text_snippet | firebomb_ground.vpcf_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | firebomb.vpcf_c | 2.2KB |
text_snippet | fireembers.vpcf_c | 2.8KB |
text_snippet | firelight.vpcf_c | 2.1KB |
text_snippet | firesmoke.vpcf_c | 2.9KB |
particles/gameplay/dogtags | ||
text_snippet | team_1_dog_tags.vpcf_c | 2.3KB |
particles/gameplay/flag | ||
text_snippet | flag_aoe.vpcf_c | 2.5KB |
particles/gameplay/guns/trail | ||
text_snippet | rico_trail_impact_spark.vpcf_c | 3.4KB |
text_snippet | rico_trail_smoke.vpcf_c | 2.9KB |
text_snippet | trail_bullet.vpcf_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | trail_smoke.vpcf_c | 2.5KB |
particles/gameplay/player/slide | ||
text_snippet | slide.vpcf_c | 2.2KB |
particles | ||
text_snippet | impact.flesh.puff.vpcf_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | impact.flesh.vpcf_c | 2.8KB |
text_snippet | impact.generic.smokepuff.vpcf_c | 2.9KB |
text_snippet | impact.generic.smokering.vpcf_c | 2.6KB |
text_snippet | impact.generic.vpcf_c | 3.4KB |
text_snippet | impact.glass.vpcf_c | 3.2KB |
text_snippet | impact.metal-chunks.vpcf_c | 3.3KB |
text_snippet | impact.metal-light.vpcf_c | 3.2KB |
text_snippet | impact.metal.vpcf_c | 3.6KB |
text_snippet | impact.wood.fibers.vpcf_c | 3.2KB |
text_snippet | impact.wood.smokepuff.vpcf_c | 554B |
text_snippet | impact.wood.vpcf_c | 3.5KB |
particles/impacts | ||
text_snippet | impact.concrete.bullet.vpcf_c | 2.8KB |
text_snippet | impact.flesh.vpcf_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | impact.generic.smokepuff.vpcf_c | 3.2KB |
text_snippet | impact.generic.smokering.vpcf_c | 2.6KB |
text_snippet | impact.metal.bullet.vpcf_c | 3.5KB |
particles/impacts/impact.metal.bullet | ||
text_snippet | flare.vpcf_c | 2KB |
particles/impacts | ||
text_snippet | impact.metal.sparks.vpcf_c | 3.5KB |
text_snippet | impact.sand.vpcf_c | 2.6KB |
text_snippet | impact.water.vpcf_c | 2.7KB |
text_snippet | impact.water.wake.vpcf_c | 1.9KB |
particles | ||
text_snippet | laserdot.vpcf_c | 2.1KB |
text_snippet | laserline.vpcf_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | leaktest.vpcf_c | 2.6KB |
particles/muzzleflash | ||
text_snippet | muzzleflash.light.vpcf_c | 2.1KB |
text_snippet | silenced.vpcf_c | 3.5KB |
text_snippet | simple.vpcf_c | 3.6KB |
text_snippet | smokepuff_silenced.vpcf_c | 3KB |
text_snippet | smokepuff_simple.vpcf_c | 3KB |
particles | ||
text_snippet | oildrum.fire.jet.vpcf_c | 4.4KB |
text_snippet | poltergeist_splash.vpcf_c | 2.6KB |
text_snippet | poltergeist.vpcf_c | 3.1KB |
text_snippet | poltergeistmuzzleflash.vpcf_c | 2.2KB |
text_snippet | radar_ping.vpcf_c | 2.2KB |
text_snippet | rope.vpcf_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | scorch.vpcf_c | 1.7KB |
text_snippet | smokegrenade_burst.vpcf_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | smokegrenade_viewblocker.vpcf_c | 2.2KB |
text_snippet | smokegrenade.vpcf_c | 3.8KB |
particles/smoketrails | ||
text_snippet | smoketrail_pistol.vpcf_c | 2.8KB |
text_snippet | smoketrail_simple.vpcf_c | 2.4KB |
particles | ||
text_snippet | spit.vpcf_c | 2.8KB |
text_snippet | test.vpcf_c | 1.9KB |
particles/tracers | ||
text_snippet | tracer.generic.vpcf_c | 2.6KB |
text_snippet | tracer.sniper.vpcf_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | tracersmoke.sniper.vpcf_c | 2.9KB |
particles | ||
text_snippet | untitled_particle_1.vpcf_c | 1.4KB |
prefabs/ammo | ||
text_snippet | ttt_ammo_buckshot.prefab_c | 1.6KB |
text_snippet | ttt_ammo_magnum.prefab_c | 1.6KB |
text_snippet | ttt_ammo_pistol.prefab_c | 1.6KB |
text_snippet | ttt_ammo_rifle.prefab_c | 1.6KB |
text_snippet | ttt_ammo_sniper.prefab_c | 1.6KB |
prefabs/impact_fx | ||
text_snippet | impact_blood_mist.prefab_c | 7.8KB |
prefabs/objects | ||
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text_snippet | random_ammo.prefab_c | 749B |
text_snippet | random_grenade.prefab_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | random_weapon.prefab_c | 771B |
text_snippet | weapon_spawner.prefab_c | 1.4KB |
prefabs/objects/weaponspawners | ||
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text_snippet | spawner_discombobulator.prefab_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | spawner_fal.prefab_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | spawner_firegrenade.prefab_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | spawner_glock.prefab_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | spawner_huge.prefab_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | spawner_m1911.prefab_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | spawner_m24.prefab_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | spawner_mp5.prefab_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | spawner_smokegrenade.prefab_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | spawner_spas12.prefab_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | spawner_uzi.prefab_c | 1.5KB |
prefabs/particles | ||
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text_snippet | 762casing.prefab_c | 7.4KB |
text_snippet | 9mmcasing.prefab_c | 8.6KB |
text_snippet | explosion.prefab_c | 36.3KB |
text_snippet | fire_old.prefab_c | 22.5KB |
text_snippet | fire.prefab_c | 27.4KB |
text_snippet | incendiary_fire.prefab_c | 40.3KB |
text_snippet | shotguncasing.prefab_c | 3.9KB |
prefabs/particles/tracers | ||
text_snippet | tracer.generic.prefab_c | 7.3KB |
prefabs/player | ||
text_snippet | player.prefab_c | 38.5KB |
text_snippet | spectate.prefab_c | 1.4KB |
prefabs | ||
text_snippet | terrortown.prefab_c | 5.8KB |
prefabs/weapons/crowbar | ||
text_snippet | crowbar_v.prefab_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | crowbar.prefab_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | crowbar.wpn_c | 870B |
prefabs/weapons/debug/debugsmg | ||
text_snippet | debugsmg_v.prefab_c | 3.2KB |
text_snippet | debugsmg.prefab_c | 4.3KB |
text_snippet | debugsmg.wpn_c | 907B |
prefabs/weapons/equipment/c4 | ||
text_snippet | c4_placed.prefab_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | c4_v.prefab_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | c4.prefab_c | 2.6KB |
text_snippet | c4.wpn_c | 1014B |
prefabs/weapons/equipment/decoy | ||
text_snippet | decoy_placed.prefab_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | decoy_v.prefab_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | decoy.prefab_c | 2.9KB |
text_snippet | decoy.wpn_c | 1KB |
prefabs/weapons/equipment/dnascanner | ||
text_snippet | dnascanner_v.prefab_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | dnascanner.prefab_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | dnascanner.wpn_c | 1.1KB |
prefabs/weapons/equipment/flaregun | ||
text_snippet | flaregun_v.prefab_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | flaregun.prefab_c | 3.7KB |
text_snippet | flaregun.wpn_c | 1.1KB |
prefabs/weapons/equipment/healthstation | ||
text_snippet | healthstation_thrown.prefab_c | 1KB |
text_snippet | healthstation.prefab_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | healthstation.wpn_c | 903B |
prefabs/weapons/equipment/knife | ||
text_snippet | knife_v.prefab_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | knife.prefab_c | 1.8KB |
text_snippet | knife.wpn_c | 1KB |
prefabs/weapons/equipment/m4a1-s | ||
text_snippet | m4a1-s_v.prefab_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | m4a1-s.prefab_c | 4.9KB |
text_snippet | m4a1-s.wpn_c | 1KB |
prefabs/weapons/equipment/mp9 | ||
text_snippet | mp9_v.prefab_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | mp9.prefab_c | 4.8KB |
text_snippet | mp9.wpn_c | 1KB |
prefabs/weapons/equipment/poltergiest | ||
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text_snippet | poltergiest.prefab_c | 4.5KB |
text_snippet | poltergiest.wpn_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | poltergiestthruster.prefab_c | 999B |
prefabs/weapons/equipment/python | ||
text_snippet | python_v.prefab_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | python.prefab_c | 4.8KB |
text_snippet | python.wpn_c | 1.1KB |
prefabs/weapons/equipment/silencedpistol | ||
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text_snippet | silencedpistol.prefab_c | 4.2KB |
text_snippet | silencedpistol.wpn_c | 997B |
prefabs/weapons/equipment/ump | ||
text_snippet | ump_v.prefab_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | ump.prefab_c | 4.8KB |
text_snippet | ump.wpn_c | 1KB |
prefabs/weapons/equipment/visualiser | ||
text_snippet | visualiser_thrown.prefab_c | 2.8KB |
text_snippet | visualiser.prefab_c | 1.7KB |
text_snippet | visualiser.wpn_c | 1KB |
prefabs/weapons/grenade/discombobulator | ||
text_snippet | discombobulator_explosion.prefab_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | discombobulator_thrown.prefab_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | discombobulator_v.prefab_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | discombobulator.prefab_c | 2.7KB |
text_snippet | discombobulator.wpn_c | 1.1KB |
prefabs/weapons/grenade/incendiary | ||
text_snippet | incendiary_explosion.prefab_c | 1.9KB |
text_snippet | incendiary_thrown.prefab_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | incendiary_v.prefab_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | incendiary.prefab_c | 2.7KB |
text_snippet | incendiary.wpn_c | 1.1KB |
prefabs/weapons/grenade/smoke | ||
text_snippet | smoke_explosion.prefab_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | smoke_thrown.prefab_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | smoke_v.prefab_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | smoke.prefab_c | 2.8KB |
text_snippet | smoke.wpn_c | 1KB |
prefabs/weapons/holstered | ||
text_snippet | holstered.prefab_c | 876B |
text_snippet | holstered.wpn_c | 895B |
prefabs/weapons/magnetostick | ||
text_snippet | magnetostick_v.prefab_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | magnetostick.prefab_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | magnetostick.wpn_c | 917B |
prefabs/weapons/primary/ak | ||
text_snippet | ak_v.prefab_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | ak.prefab_c | 5KB |
text_snippet | ak.wpn_c | 997B |
prefabs/weapons/primary/fal | ||
text_snippet | fal_v.prefab_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | fal.prefab_c | 5.3KB |
text_snippet | fal.wpn_c | 999B |
prefabs/weapons/primary/huge | ||
text_snippet | huge_v.prefab_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | huge.prefab_c | 5KB |
text_snippet | huge.wpn_c | 1KB |
prefabs/weapons/primary/m24 | ||
text_snippet | m24_v.prefab_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | m24.prefab_c | 5.5KB |
text_snippet | m24.wpn_c | 1017B |
prefabs/weapons/primary/mp5 | ||
text_snippet | mp5_v.prefab_c | 3.2KB |
text_snippet | mp5.prefab_c | 5KB |
text_snippet | mp5.wpn_c | 1000B |
prefabs/weapons/primary/spas12 | ||
text_snippet | spas12_v.prefab_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | spas12.prefab_c | 5.1KB |
text_snippet | spas12.wpn_c | 1.1KB |
prefabs/weapons/primary/uzi | ||
text_snippet | uzi_v.prefab_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | uzi.prefab_c | 5KB |
text_snippet | uzi.wpn_c | 1000B |
prefabs/weapons/secondary/deagle | ||
text_snippet | deagle_v.prefab_c | 2.4KB |
text_snippet | deagle.prefab_c | 5KB |
text_snippet | deagle.wpn_c | 1KB |
prefabs/weapons/secondary/glock | ||
text_snippet | glock_v.prefab_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | glock.prefab_c | 5.4KB |
text_snippet | glock.wpn_c | 972B |
prefabs/weapons/secondary/m1911 | ||
text_snippet | m1911_v.prefab_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | m1911.prefab_c | 5KB |
text_snippet | m1911.wpn_c | 1KB |
projectsettings | ||
text_snippet | collision.config | 2.1KB |
text_snippet | input.config | 5.4KB |
text_snippet | mixer.config | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | networking.config | 213B |
scenes/dev | ||
text_snippet | alex.scene_c | 512B |
text_snippet | asdasdasd.scene_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | cornellbox.scene_c | 9KB |
text_snippet | dasdadasd.scene_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | de_testing.scene_c | 64.1KB |
text_snippet | flat.scene_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | fps_testing.scene_c | 29.1KB |
scenes/dev/map_scene_backups | ||
text_snippet | assault.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | asylum.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | box_trot_mc_city.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | bridgetown.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | cannontown.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | casino.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | clue.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | cluedo_night.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | cluedo.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | community_bowling.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | community_pool.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | dam.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | depot.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | dimmsdale.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | dolls.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | doom_e1m1_beta.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | eco_2.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | experimental_shapes.scene_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | fishmarket.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | fun_13.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | grovestreet.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | innocent_hotel.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | joecity.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | laughing_stock.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | lego.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | lidi.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | lumbridge.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | mc_teenroom.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | meat_world.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | minecraft_t5.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | mountwestmore.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | mtt_resort.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | nicks_desk.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | nickshouse.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | nuketown.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | other_mc_city.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | outpost.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | pelican_town.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | qzar.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | roblox_crossroads.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | rooftops.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | ski_resort.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | skibidi_toilet_1.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | skibidi_toilet_2.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | skyscraper.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | smithsonian.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | suburbia.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | terminal.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | terror_tower.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | tortuga.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | voxel_violence.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | weird_mall.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | woodshop.scene_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | wuhu_town.scene_c | 1.3KB |
scenes/dev/maps/assault | ||
text_snippet | assault.scene_c | 38.8KB |
scenes/dev/maps/bowling | ||
text_snippet | bowling.scene_c | 1.5KB |
scenes/dev/maps/clue | ||
text_snippet | clue.scene_c | 22.5KB |
scenes/dev/maps/dolls | ||
text_snippet | dolls.scene_c | 1.7KB |
scenes/dev/maps/innocenthotel | ||
text_snippet | innocenthotel.scene_c | 1.8KB |
scenes/dev/maps/mall | ||
text_snippet | mall.scene_c | 1.7KB |
scenes/dev/maps/rooftops | ||
text_snippet | rooftops.scene_c | 1.7KB |
scenes/dev | ||
text_snippet | rooftops.scene_c | 67KB |
text_snippet | sceneloader.scene_c | 1.8KB |
text_snippet | simpletest.scene_c | 8.1KB |
text_snippet | sphaxtest.scene_c | 5KB |
scenes | ||
text_snippet | engine.scene_c | 2.1KB |
text_snippet | menu.scene_c | 4.8KB |
shaders | ||
text_snippet | quakeliquid.shader_c | 152.2KB |
text_snippet | scope.shader_c | 9.2KB |
text_snippet | water_8.shader_c | 183.2KB |
sounds/3t/physics/props/bowling_pin | ||
text_snippet | impact_a_01.vsnd_c | 5.9KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 10.2KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_01.vsnd_c | 7.8KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_02.vsnd_c | 7.4KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_01.vsnd_c | 9.4KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_02.vsnd_c | 9.2KB |
text_snippet | impact_d_01.vsnd_c | 8.9KB |
text_snippet | impact_d_02.vsnd_c | 8.6KB |
sounds/3t/physics/props/cardboard_box_ammo | ||
text_snippet | contents_01.vsnd_c | 26.8KB |
text_snippet | contents_02.vsnd_c | 27.2KB |
text_snippet | contents_03.vsnd_c | 19.8KB |
text_snippet | contents_04.vsnd_c | 23.1KB |
sounds | ||
text_snippet | bullet.ricochet.sound_c | 1.4KB |
sounds/bullets | ||
text_snippet | bullet.cardboard.sound_c | 1.7KB |
text_snippet | bullet.concrete.rock.sound_c | 1.9KB |
text_snippet | bullet.dirt.sound_c | 1.6KB |
text_snippet | bullet.flavour.default.sound_c | 2.9KB |
text_snippet | bullet.flavour.metal.sound_c | 2.2KB |
text_snippet | bullet.glass.sound_c | 1.9KB |
text_snippet | bullet.metal.flavour.mix.sound_c | 3.1KB |
text_snippet | bullet.metal.prop.sound_c | 1.7KB |
text_snippet | bullet.metal.sheet.sound_c | 1.7KB |
text_snippet | bullet.metal.sound_c | 1.6KB |
text_snippet | bullet.rubber.sound_c | 1.7KB |
text_snippet | bullet.sand.sound_c | 1.6KB |
text_snippet | bullet.wood.sound_c | 1.6KB |
sounds/bullets/debris | ||
text_snippet | bullet.concrete.debris.sound_c | 2.5KB |
text_snippet | bullet.dirt.debris.sound_c | 2KB |
text_snippet | bullet.flesh.debris.sound_c | 2.1KB |
text_snippet | bullet.glass.debris.sound_c | 2.1KB |
text_snippet | bullet.metal.debris.shared.sound_c | 2.8KB |
text_snippet | bullet.pottery.debris.sound_c | 1.9KB |
text_snippet | bullet.prop.debris.shared.sound_c | 2.1KB |
text_snippet | bullet.water.debris.sound_c | 2KB |
text_snippet | bullet.wood.debris.sound_c | 1.9KB |
sounds | ||
text_snippet | explosion.sound_c | 672B |
text_snippet | explosion.vsnd_c | 261.2KB |
text_snippet | falldamage.sound_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | fire.ignite-01.vsnd_c | 320KB |
text_snippet | fire.ignite-02.vsnd_c | 228.3KB |
text_snippet | fire.ignite-03.vsnd_c | 726.6KB |
text_snippet | fire.ignite-04.vsnd_c | 595.1KB |
text_snippet | fire.ignite.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | fire.jet.sound_c | 895B |
text_snippet | fire.jet.vsnd_c | 3.3MB |
text_snippet | fire.sound_c | 873B |
text_snippet | fire.vsnd_c | 4.7MB |
text_snippet | flyby.pistol.sound_c | 799B |
text_snippet | flyby.rifle.sound_c | 827B |
sounds/footsteps | ||
text_snippet | footstep-concrete-jump.sound_c | 915B |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete-jump01.vsnd_c | 42KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete-jump02.vsnd_c | 42KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete-jump03.vsnd_c | 37.5KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete-jump04.vsnd_c | 37.6KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete-land.sound_c | 802B |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete-land01.vsnd_c | 42.7KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete-land02.vsnd_c | 42.1KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete-land03.vsnd_c | 42.1KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete01.vsnd_c | 25.3KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete02.vsnd_c | 25.5KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete03.vsnd_c | 25.1KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete04.vsnd_c | 25.4KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete05.vsnd_c | 26.4KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete06.vsnd_c | 27.1KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete07.vsnd_c | 25.8KB |
text_snippet | footstep-concrete08.vsnd_c | 26.1KB |
text_snippet | footstep-dirt-walk-001.vsnd_c | 56KB |
text_snippet | footstep-dirt-walk-002.vsnd_c | 42.1KB |
text_snippet | footstep-dirt-walk-003.vsnd_c | 57.3KB |
text_snippet | footstep-dirt-walk-004.vsnd_c | 42.5KB |
text_snippet | footstep-dirt-walk-005.vsnd_c | 40.5KB |
text_snippet | footstep-dirt-walk-007.vsnd_c | 41.4KB |
text_snippet | footstep-dirt-walk-008.vsnd_c | 39.1KB |
text_snippet | footstep-dirt.sound_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | footstep-metal-walk-001.vsnd_c | 43.4KB |
text_snippet | footstep-metal-walk-002.vsnd_c | 47.4KB |
text_snippet | footstep-metal-walk-003.vsnd_c | 45.8KB |
text_snippet | footstep-metal-walk-004.vsnd_c | 43.2KB |
text_snippet | footstep-metal-walk-005.vsnd_c | 42.6KB |
text_snippet | footstep-metal-walk-006.vsnd_c | 47.4KB |
text_snippet | footstep-metal-walk-007.vsnd_c | 45.8KB |
text_snippet | footstep-metal-walk-008.vsnd_c | 43.2KB |
text_snippet | footstep-metal.sound_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | footstep-wood.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | footstep-wood01.vsnd_c | 22.6KB |
text_snippet | footstep-wood02.vsnd_c | 22.2KB |
text_snippet | footstep-wood03.vsnd_c | 21.7KB |
text_snippet | footstep-wood04.vsnd_c | 21.9KB |
text_snippet | footstep-wood05.vsnd_c | 21.6KB |
text_snippet | footstep-wood06.vsnd_c | 21.7KB |
text_snippet | footstep-wood07.vsnd_c | 21.7KB |
text_snippet | footstep-wood08.vsnd_c | 22.3KB |
text_snippet | footstep.cardboard.sound_c | 1.8KB |
text_snippet | footstep.carpet.sound_c | 1.9KB |
text_snippet | footstep.chainlink.sound_c | 1.8KB |
text_snippet | footstep.concrete.flooded.sound_c | 2.1KB |
text_snippet | footstep.concrete.rough.sound_c | 2.1KB |
text_snippet | footstep.concrete.shared.sound_c | 2.2KB |
text_snippet | footstep.concrete.sound_c | 2KB |
text_snippet | footstep.debris.sound_c | 2KB |
text_snippet | footstep.dirt.sound_c | 2.1KB |
text_snippet | footstep.glass.sound_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | footstep.grass.sound_c | 2.1KB |
text_snippet | footstep.gravel.sound_c | 2.2KB |
text_snippet | footstep.metal.sound_c | 2KB |
text_snippet | footstep.metal.thin.sound_c | 1.9KB |
text_snippet | footstep.metal.walkway.sound_c | 2.2KB |
text_snippet | footstep.mud.puddle.sound_c | 1.8KB |
text_snippet | footstep.mud.sound_c | 1.9KB |
text_snippet | footstep.plastic.hollow.sound_c | 1.9KB |
text_snippet | footstep.sand.sound_c | 2.3KB |
text_snippet | footstep.wood.crate.sound_c | 2KB |
text_snippet | footstep.wood.debris.sound_c | 2KB |
text_snippet | footstep.wood.old.sound_c | 2.2KB |
text_snippet | footstep.wood.parquet.sound_c | 2KB |
text_snippet | footstep.wood.shared.sound_c | 2.2KB |
sounds/guns | ||
text_snippet | ak47.reload.eject.sound_c | 560B |
text_snippet | ak47.reload.insert.sound_c | 561B |
text_snippet | ak47.shoot.sound_c | 901B |
text_snippet | ak47.shoot.vsnd_c | 380.2KB |
text_snippet | deagle.shoot.sound_c | 813B |
text_snippet | deagle.shoot.vsnd_c | 347.6KB |
text_snippet | glock.shoot.sound_c | 918B |
text_snippet | glock.shoot.vsnd_c | 183.7KB |
text_snippet | huge.shoot.sound_c | 901B |
text_snippet | huge.shoot.vsnd_c | 380.2KB |
text_snippet | m1911.shoot.sound_c | 918B |
text_snippet | m1911.shoot.vsnd_c | 368.3KB |
text_snippet | m4a1-s.shoot.sound_c | 819B |
text_snippet | m4a1-s.shoot.vsnd_c | 35.8KB |
text_snippet | m4a1-s.vsnd_c | 33.6KB |
text_snippet | mp5.shoot.sound_c | 903B |
text_snippet | mp5.shoot.vsnd_c | 423.4KB |
text_snippet | poltergeist3.sound_c | 734B |
text_snippet | poltergeist3.vsnd_c | 277.9KB |
text_snippet | python.shoot.sound_c | 919B |
text_snippet | python.shoot.vsnd_c | 565.1KB |
sounds/guns/reloads/ak | ||
text_snippet | ak_bolt_2.vsnd_c | 251.6KB |
text_snippet | ak_bolt.sound_c | 843B |
text_snippet | ak_bolt.vsnd_c | 251.8KB |
text_snippet | ak_insert_2.vsnd_c | 114.5KB |
text_snippet | ak_insert.sound_c | 726B |
text_snippet | ak_insert.vsnd_c | 114.5KB |
text_snippet | ak_remove_2.vsnd_c | 64.2KB |
text_snippet | ak_remove.sound_c | 726B |
text_snippet | ak_remove.vsnd_c | 64.2KB |
sounds/guns/reloads | ||
text_snippet | glock.fumble.sound_c | 636B |
text_snippet | glock.fumble.vsnd_c | 77.5KB |
text_snippet | glock.mag.insert.sound_c | 640B |
text_snippet | glock.mag.insert.vsnd_c | 43.4KB |
text_snippet | glock.slide.back.sound_c | 640B |
text_snippet | glock.slide.back.vsnd_c | 21.6KB |
text_snippet | glock.slide.forward.sound_c | 659B |
text_snippet | glock.slide.forward.vsnd_c | 16.9KB |
text_snippet | glock.snapback.sound_c | 638B |
text_snippet | glock.snapback.vsnd_c | 16.9KB |
text_snippet | m4.mag.fumble.sound_c | 637B |
text_snippet | m4.mag.fumble.vsnd_c | 202.3KB |
text_snippet | m4.mag.slot.sound_c | 635B |
text_snippet | m4.mag.slot.vsnd_c | 48KB |
text_snippet | m4.snapin.sound_c | 617B |
text_snippet | m4.snapin.vsnd_c | 41.6KB |
text_snippet | m4.switch.sound_c | 617B |
text_snippet | m4.switch.vsnd_c | 9.8KB |
text_snippet | mp5.lever.vsnd_c | 103.6KB |
text_snippet | mp5.mag.insert.vsnd_c | 140.3KB |
sounds/guns | ||
text_snippet | rifle.shoot.sound_c | 918B |
text_snippet | rifle.shoot.vsnd_c | 416.6KB |
text_snippet | silencedpistol.shoot.sound_c | 836B |
text_snippet | silencedpistol.shoot.vsnd_c | 115.3KB |
text_snippet | silencedrifle.shoot.sound_c | 834B |
text_snippet | silencedrifle.shoot.vsnd_c | 33.7KB |
text_snippet | sniper.scope.sound_c | 733B |
text_snippet | sniper.shoot.sound_c | 921B |
text_snippet | sniper.shoot.vsnd_c | 705.7KB |
text_snippet | spas12.shoot.sound_c | 919B |
text_snippet | spas12.shoot.vsnd_c | 258.6KB |
text_snippet | ump.shoot.sound_c | 900B |
text_snippet | ump.shoot.vsnd_c | 195.2KB |
text_snippet | uzi.shoot.sound_c | 900B |
text_snippet | uzi.shoot.vsnd_c | 242.4KB |
text_snippet | zmp.shoot.sound_c | 899B |
text_snippet | zmp.shoot.vsnd_c | 67.4KB |
sounds | ||
text_snippet | heartbeat.sound_c | 598B |
text_snippet | heartbeat.vsnd_c | 184.8KB |
sounds/impacts/bullets | ||
text_snippet | bullet-ricochet-1.vsnd_c | 88.9KB |
text_snippet | bullet-ricochet-2.vsnd_c | 69KB |
text_snippet | bullet-ricochet-3.vsnd_c | 121.3KB |
text_snippet | bullet-ricochet-4.vsnd_c | 90.6KB |
text_snippet | bullet-ricochet-5.vsnd_c | 88.7KB |
text_snippet | bullet-ricochet-6.vsnd_c | 129KB |
text_snippet | concrete_impact_bullet1.vsnd_c | 119.4KB |
text_snippet | concrete_impact_bullet2.vsnd_c | 114KB |
text_snippet | concrete_impact_bullet3.vsnd_c | 126.2KB |
text_snippet | concrete_impact_bullet4.vsnd_c | 146.1KB |
text_snippet | generic-bullet-impact-1.vsnd_c | 100.8KB |
text_snippet | glass_bullet_impact-1.vsnd_c | 112.2KB |
text_snippet | glass_bullet_impact-2.vsnd_c | 31.3KB |
text_snippet | glass_bullet_impact-3.vsnd_c | 71.5KB |
text_snippet | impact-bullet-concrete.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | impact-bullet-generic.sound_c | 771B |
text_snippet | impact-bullet-glass.sound_c | 1017B |
text_snippet | impact-bullet-metal.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | impact-bullet-plastic.sound_c | 1KB |
text_snippet | metal_bullet_impact-1.vsnd_c | 129.9KB |
text_snippet | metal_bullet_impact-2.vsnd_c | 129.9KB |
text_snippet | metal_bullet_impact-3.vsnd_c | 129.9KB |
text_snippet | metal_bullet_impact-4.vsnd_c | 129.9KB |
text_snippet | metal_bullet_impact-5.vsnd_c | 90.4KB |
text_snippet | plastic_hollow_bullet_impact-1.vsnd_c | 85KB |
text_snippet | plastic_hollow_bullet_impact-2.vsnd_c | 87KB |
text_snippet | plastic_hollow_bullet_impact-3.vsnd_c | 69.2KB |
text_snippet | water_bullet_impact-1.vsnd_c | 68KB |
text_snippet | water_bullet_impact-2.vsnd_c | 66.4KB |
text_snippet | water_bullet_impact-3.vsnd_c | 66.4KB |
sounds/impacts | ||
text_snippet | impact.carpet.hard.sound_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | impact.carpet.soft.sound_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | impact.concrete.hard.sound_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | impact.concrete.medium.sound_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | impact.concrete.soft.sound_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | impact.concrete.veryhard.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | impact.glass.hard.sound_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | impact.glass.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | impact.glass.soft.sound_c | 1.6KB |
text_snippet | impact.metal.gun.hard.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | impact.metal.gun.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | impact.metal.hard.sound_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | impact.metal.sheet.hard.sound_c | 1.6KB |
text_snippet | impact.metal.sheet.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | impact.metal.sheet.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | impact.metal.sheet.veryhard.sound_c | 1.6KB |
text_snippet | impact.metal.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | impact.wood.hard.sound_c | 1.6KB |
text_snippet | impact.wood.medium.sound_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | impact.wood.soft.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | impact.wood.veryhard.sound_c | 1.4KB |
sounds/impacts/melee/bluntweapon | ||
text_snippet | dirt-001.vsnd_c | 37.6KB |
text_snippet | dirt-002.vsnd_c | 43.8KB |
text_snippet | dirt-003.vsnd_c | 43.8KB |
text_snippet | dirt-004.vsnd_c | 43.8KB |
text_snippet | glass-1.vsnd_c | 83.9KB |
text_snippet | metal-1.vsnd_c | 124.4KB |
sounds/impacts/melee | ||
text_snippet | impact-melee-dirt.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | impact-melee-glass.sound_c | 765B |
text_snippet | impact-melee-metal.sound_c | 765B |
sounds | ||
text_snippet | item.pickup.sound_c | 798B |
sounds/kenney/ui | ||
text_snippet | switch2.vsnd_c | 55.3KB |
sounds/physics/breaking | ||
text_snippet | break_body_01.vsnd_c | 150.2KB |
text_snippet | break_body_02.vsnd_c | 166.4KB |
text_snippet | break_body_03.vsnd_c | 159.7KB |
text_snippet | break_cardboard_box_01.vsnd_c | 236.4KB |
text_snippet | break_cardboard_box_02.vsnd_c | 247KB |
text_snippet | break_cardboard_box_03.vsnd_c | 223.5KB |
text_snippet | break_cardboard_box_small_01.vsnd_c | 144.5KB |
text_snippet | break_cardboard_box_small_02.vsnd_c | 150.1KB |
text_snippet | break_cardboard_box_small_03.vsnd_c | 139.2KB |
text_snippet | break_ceiling_tile_01.vsnd_c | 216.9KB |
text_snippet | break_ceiling_tile_02.vsnd_c | 198.4KB |
text_snippet | break_ceramic_large_01.vsnd_c | 276.3KB |
text_snippet | break_ceramic_large_02.vsnd_c | 276.3KB |
text_snippet | break_concrete_01.vsnd_c | 418.7KB |
text_snippet | break_concrete_02.vsnd_c | 420.8KB |
text_snippet | break_concrete_03.vsnd_c | 408.9KB |
text_snippet | break_concrete_small_01.vsnd_c | 266.4KB |
text_snippet | break_concrete_small_02.vsnd_c | 222.5KB |
text_snippet | break_concrete_small_03.vsnd_c | 258.5KB |
text_snippet | break_flesh_01.vsnd_c | 178.1KB |
text_snippet | break_flesh_02.vsnd_c | 167.2KB |
text_snippet | break_flesh_03.vsnd_c | 184.2KB |
text_snippet | break_flesh_small_01.vsnd_c | 145.3KB |
text_snippet | break_flesh_small_02.vsnd_c | 154.1KB |
text_snippet | break_flesh_small_03.vsnd_c | 140.6KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_bottle_large_01.vsnd_c | 257.9KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_bottle_large_02.vsnd_c | 257KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_bottle_large_03.vsnd_c | 268.9KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_bottle_small_01.vsnd_c | 264.8KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_bottle_small_02.vsnd_c | 261.6KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_bottle_small_03.vsnd_c | 261.1KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_jar_01.vsnd_c | 207.3KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_jar_02.vsnd_c | 228.5KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_jar_03.vsnd_c | 223.4KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_large_01.vsnd_c | 392KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_large_02.vsnd_c | 359KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_large_03.vsnd_c | 348.9KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_large_04.vsnd_c | 363.6KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_large_05.vsnd_c | 390.2KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_large_06.vsnd_c | 407.7KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_large_07.vsnd_c | 390.2KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_medium_01.vsnd_c | 313.5KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_medium_02.vsnd_c | 302.9KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_medium_03.vsnd_c | 315.3KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_medium_04.vsnd_c | 303.8KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_medium_05.vsnd_c | 334.6KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_medium_06.vsnd_c | 336KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_medium_07.vsnd_c | 287.8KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_small_01.vsnd_c | 239.5KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_small_02.vsnd_c | 215.6KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_small_03.vsnd_c | 240.5KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_small_04.vsnd_c | 213.8KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_small_05.vsnd_c | 207.4KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_small_06.vsnd_c | 203.7KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_small_07.vsnd_c | 213.8KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_phys_small_08.vsnd_c | 191.8KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_tumbler_01.vsnd_c | 156.8KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_tumbler_02.vsnd_c | 158.7KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_tumbler_03.vsnd_c | 147.2KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_vase_01.vsnd_c | 195.9KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_vase_02.vsnd_c | 207.3KB |
text_snippet | break_glass_vase_03.vsnd_c | 200KB |
text_snippet | break_metal_box_01.vsnd_c | 302.9KB |
text_snippet | break_metal_box_02.vsnd_c | 299.9KB |
text_snippet | break_metal_box_03.vsnd_c | 282.9KB |
text_snippet | break_metal_cocktail_shaker_01.vsnd_c | 99.4KB |
text_snippet | break_metal_cocktail_shaker_02.vsnd_c | 96.2KB |
text_snippet | break_plastic_barrel_01.vsnd_c | 315.2KB |
text_snippet | break_plastic_barrel_02.vsnd_c | 314.7KB |
text_snippet | break_plastic_box_01.vsnd_c | 287.4KB |
text_snippet | break_plastic_box_02.vsnd_c | 271.7KB |
text_snippet | break_plastic_lid_small_01.vsnd_c | 101.6KB |
text_snippet | break_plastic_lid_small_02.vsnd_c | 92.5KB |
text_snippet | break_pottery_01.vsnd_c | 241.8KB |
text_snippet | break_pottery_02.vsnd_c | 259KB |
text_snippet | break_pottery_03.vsnd_c | 293.5KB |
text_snippet | break_pottery_04.vsnd_c | 293.5KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_box_01.vsnd_c | 320.3KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_box_02.vsnd_c | 321.1KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_box_03.vsnd_c | 306.6KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_crate_01.vsnd_c | 438.6KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_crate_02.vsnd_c | 477.7KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_crate_03.vsnd_c | 477.5KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_crate_ammo_01.vsnd_c | 321.6KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_crate_ammo_02.vsnd_c | 319.9KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_crate_ammo_03.vsnd_c | 308KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_picture_frame_large_01.vsnd_c | 174.5KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_picture_frame_large_02.vsnd_c | 174.4KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_picture_frame_large_03.vsnd_c | 167.3KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_picture_frame_small_01.vsnd_c | 165.7KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_picture_frame_small_02.vsnd_c | 161.2KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_picture_frame_small_03.vsnd_c | 133.8KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_plank_01.vsnd_c | 230.7KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_plank_02.vsnd_c | 183KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_plank_03.vsnd_c | 228.6KB |
text_snippet | break_wood_plank.sound_c | 881B |
sounds/physics/bullet_impact_debris | ||
text_snippet | debris_cardboard_01.vsnd_c | 73.3KB |
text_snippet | debris_cardboard_02.vsnd_c | 67.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_cardboard_03.vsnd_c | 72.6KB |
text_snippet | debris_cardboard_04.vsnd_c | 67.3KB |
text_snippet | debris_cardboard_05.vsnd_c | 67.5KB |
text_snippet | debris_cardboard_06.vsnd_c | 71.4KB |
text_snippet | debris_cardboard_07.vsnd_c | 69.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_cardboard_08.vsnd_c | 69.1KB |
text_snippet | debris_concrete_01.vsnd_c | 78.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_concrete_02.vsnd_c | 78.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_concrete_03.vsnd_c | 78.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_concrete_04.vsnd_c | 78.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_concrete_05.vsnd_c | 86.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_concrete_06.vsnd_c | 69.6KB |
text_snippet | debris_concrete_07.vsnd_c | 69.6KB |
text_snippet | debris_concrete_08.vsnd_c | 69.6KB |
text_snippet | debris_concrete_09.vsnd_c | 78.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_concrete_10.vsnd_c | 78.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_concrete_11.vsnd_c | 69.6KB |
text_snippet | debris_concrete_12.vsnd_c | 78.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_dirt_01.vsnd_c | 79KB |
text_snippet | debris_dirt_02.vsnd_c | 80.6KB |
text_snippet | debris_dirt_03.vsnd_c | 76.9KB |
text_snippet | debris_dirt_04.vsnd_c | 79KB |
text_snippet | debris_dirt_05.vsnd_c | 79.9KB |
text_snippet | debris_dirt_06.vsnd_c | 78.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_dirt_07.vsnd_c | 79.9KB |
text_snippet | debris_dirt_08.vsnd_c | 79.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_dirt_09.vsnd_c | 77.4KB |
text_snippet | debris_flesh_01.vsnd_c | 74.4KB |
text_snippet | debris_flesh_02.vsnd_c | 67.3KB |
text_snippet | debris_flesh_03.vsnd_c | 83.4KB |
text_snippet | debris_flesh_04.vsnd_c | 75.1KB |
text_snippet | debris_flesh_05.vsnd_c | 64.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_flesh_06.vsnd_c | 66.4KB |
text_snippet | debris_flesh_07.vsnd_c | 64.1KB |
text_snippet | debris_flesh_08.vsnd_c | 65.9KB |
text_snippet | debris_flesh_09.vsnd_c | 48.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_flesh_10.vsnd_c | 41.6KB |
text_snippet | debris_glass_01.vsnd_c | 90.7KB |
text_snippet | debris_glass_02.vsnd_c | 101KB |
text_snippet | debris_glass_03.vsnd_c | 101.3KB |
text_snippet | debris_glass_04.vsnd_c | 100.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_glass_05.vsnd_c | 97.6KB |
text_snippet | debris_glass_06.vsnd_c | 99.4KB |
text_snippet | debris_glass_07.vsnd_c | 101.7KB |
text_snippet | debris_glass_08.vsnd_c | 97.6KB |
text_snippet | debris_glass_09.vsnd_c | 102.7KB |
text_snippet | debris_glass_10.vsnd_c | 112.3KB |
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text_snippet | debris_metal_shared_02.vsnd_c | 73.5KB |
text_snippet | debris_metal_shared_03.vsnd_c | 72.1KB |
text_snippet | debris_metal_shared_04.vsnd_c | 72.4KB |
text_snippet | debris_metal_shared_05.vsnd_c | 63.6KB |
text_snippet | debris_metal_shared_06.vsnd_c | 63.9KB |
text_snippet | debris_metal_shared_07.vsnd_c | 61.3KB |
text_snippet | debris_metal_shared_08.vsnd_c | 71.4KB |
text_snippet | debris_metal_shared_09.vsnd_c | 71.4KB |
text_snippet | debris_metal_shared_10.vsnd_c | 78.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_metal_shared_11.vsnd_c | 68KB |
text_snippet | debris_metal_shared_12.vsnd_c | 66.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_metal_shared_13.vsnd_c | 66.9KB |
text_snippet | debris_metal_shared_14.vsnd_c | 62KB |
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text_snippet | debris_mud_dry_02.vsnd_c | 52.6KB |
text_snippet | debris_mud_dry_03.vsnd_c | 73KB |
text_snippet | debris_mud_dry_04.vsnd_c | 69.1KB |
text_snippet | debris_mud_dry_05.vsnd_c | 63.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_mud_dry_06.vsnd_c | 62.7KB |
text_snippet | debris_mud_dry_07.vsnd_c | 65.7KB |
text_snippet | debris_mud_dry_08.vsnd_c | 64.1KB |
text_snippet | debris_mud_dry_09.vsnd_c | 67.1KB |
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text_snippet | debris_mud_wet_slime_02.vsnd_c | 52.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_mud_wet_slime_03.vsnd_c | 70.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_mud_wet_slime_04.vsnd_c | 60KB |
text_snippet | debris_mud_wet_slime_05.vsnd_c | 47.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_mud_wet_slime_06.vsnd_c | 53.5KB |
text_snippet | debris_mud_wet_slime_07.vsnd_c | 46.9KB |
text_snippet | debris_mud_wet_slime_08.vsnd_c | 43.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_mud_wet_slime_09.vsnd_c | 45.7KB |
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text_snippet | debris_pottery_02.vsnd_c | 90KB |
text_snippet | debris_pottery_03.vsnd_c | 97.6KB |
text_snippet | debris_pottery_04.vsnd_c | 93KB |
text_snippet | debris_pottery_05.vsnd_c | 100.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_pottery_06.vsnd_c | 93.9KB |
text_snippet | debris_pottery_07.vsnd_c | 98.1KB |
text_snippet | debris_pottery_08.vsnd_c | 97.6KB |
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text_snippet | debris_prop_shared_02.vsnd_c | 79.7KB |
text_snippet | debris_prop_shared_03.vsnd_c | 83.4KB |
text_snippet | debris_prop_shared_04.vsnd_c | 78.3KB |
text_snippet | debris_prop_shared_05.vsnd_c | 75.1KB |
text_snippet | debris_prop_shared_06.vsnd_c | 76.9KB |
text_snippet | debris_prop_shared_07.vsnd_c | 74.4KB |
text_snippet | debris_prop_shared_08.vsnd_c | 80.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_prop_shared_09.vsnd_c | 79KB |
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text_snippet | debris_sand_02.vsnd_c | 79.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_sand_03.vsnd_c | 83.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_sand_04.vsnd_c | 79.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_sand_05.vsnd_c | 74.2KB |
text_snippet | debris_sand_06.vsnd_c | 79KB |
text_snippet | debris_sand_07.vsnd_c | 78.5KB |
text_snippet | debris_sand_08.vsnd_c | 80.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_sand_09.vsnd_c | 79.5KB |
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text_snippet | debris_water_02.vsnd_c | 77.5KB |
text_snippet | debris_water_03.vsnd_c | 78.4KB |
text_snippet | debris_water_04.vsnd_c | 78KB |
text_snippet | debris_water_05.vsnd_c | 77.5KB |
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text_snippet | debris_water_07.vsnd_c | 74.1KB |
text_snippet | debris_water_08.vsnd_c | 78.4KB |
text_snippet | debris_water_09.vsnd_c | 72.2KB |
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text_snippet | debris_wood_02.vsnd_c | 78.9KB |
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text_snippet | debris_wood_06.vsnd_c | 73.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_wood_07.vsnd_c | 73.8KB |
text_snippet | debris_wood_08.vsnd_c | 77KB |
sounds/physics/bullet_impacts | ||
text_snippet | cardboard_01.vsnd_c | 28.9KB |
text_snippet | cardboard_02.vsnd_c | 28.1KB |
text_snippet | cardboard_03.vsnd_c | 28.2KB |
text_snippet | cardboard_04.vsnd_c | 29.2KB |
text_snippet | cardboard_05.vsnd_c | 27.3KB |
text_snippet | cardboard_06.vsnd_c | 27.8KB |
text_snippet | cardboard_07.vsnd_c | 27.7KB |
text_snippet | cardboard_08.vsnd_c | 27.8KB |
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text_snippet | default_concrete_rock_02.vsnd_c | 23.4KB |
text_snippet | default_concrete_rock_03.vsnd_c | 24.6KB |
text_snippet | default_concrete_rock_04.vsnd_c | 26.1KB |
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text_snippet | default_concrete_rock_07.vsnd_c | 27.5KB |
text_snippet | default_concrete_rock_08.vsnd_c | 24.4KB |
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text_snippet | dirt_03.vsnd_c | 26.6KB |
text_snippet | dirt_04.vsnd_c | 28.5KB |
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text_snippet | dirt_06.vsnd_c | 27.8KB |
text_snippet | dirt_07.vsnd_c | 27.5KB |
text_snippet | dirt_08.vsnd_c | 29.2KB |
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text_snippet | flavor_default_10.vsnd_c | 20.8KB |
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text_snippet | flavor_default_17.vsnd_c | 20.1KB |
text_snippet | flavor_default_18.vsnd_c | 28.8KB |
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text_snippet | flavor_flesh_09.vsnd_c | 37.9KB |
text_snippet | flavor_flesh_10.vsnd_c | 41.1KB |
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text_snippet | flavor_metal_12.vsnd_c | 31KB |
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text_snippet | foliage_08.vsnd_c | 24.4KB |
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text_snippet | npc_armor_07.vsnd_c | 54.4KB |
text_snippet | npc_armor_08.vsnd_c | 53.2KB |
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text_snippet | npc_charger_shield_07.vsnd_c | 43.7KB |
text_snippet | npc_charger_shield_08.vsnd_c | 43.7KB |
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text_snippet | wood_06.vsnd_c | 24KB |
text_snippet | wood_07.vsnd_c | 25.5KB |
text_snippet | wood_08.vsnd_c | 28.9KB |
sounds/physics/crushables | ||
text_snippet | plastic_bottle_crush_fast_loop_01.vsnd_c | 170.7KB |
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text_snippet | plastic_bottle_oneshot_02.vsnd_c | 31.8KB |
text_snippet | plastic_bottle_oneshot_03.vsnd_c | 36.1KB |
text_snippet | plastic_bottle_oneshot_04.vsnd_c | 41.3KB |
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text_snippet | soap_bottle_oneshot_01.vsnd_c | 36.9KB |
text_snippet | soap_bottle_oneshot_02.vsnd_c | 36.5KB |
text_snippet | soap_bottle_oneshot_03.vsnd_c | 39KB |
text_snippet | soap_bottle_oneshot_04.vsnd_c | 37.9KB |
text_snippet | soap_bottle_oneshot_05.vsnd_c | 40.9KB |
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text_snippet | tin_can_crush_fast_loop_03.vsnd_c | 414.5KB |
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text_snippet | tin_can_oneshot_06.vsnd_c | 44.3KB |
text_snippet | tin_can_oneshot_07.vsnd_c | 56.1KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/player/cardboard | ||
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text_snippet | land_02.vsnd_c | 42.7KB |
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text_snippet | step_run_10.vsnd_c | 34.1KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/player/carpet | ||
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text_snippet | land_02.vsnd_c | 57.7KB |
text_snippet | scuff_01.vsnd_c | 33.6KB |
text_snippet | scuff_02.vsnd_c | 31.2KB |
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text_snippet | step_run_09.vsnd_c | 40.7KB |
text_snippet | step_run_10.vsnd_c | 42.5KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/player/concrete_flooded | ||
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text_snippet | land_02.vsnd_c | 46.2KB |
text_snippet | land_03.vsnd_c | 55.3KB |
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text_snippet | step_run_06.vsnd_c | 44.6KB |
text_snippet | step_run_07.vsnd_c | 52.3KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/player/concrete_plain | ||
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text_snippet | land_02.vsnd_c | 39.7KB |
text_snippet | land_03.vsnd_c | 33.4KB |
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text_snippet | step_run_08.vsnd_c | 18.4KB |
text_snippet | step_run_09.vsnd_c | 20.3KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/player/concrete_rough | ||
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sounds/physics/footsteps/player/debris | ||
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sounds/physics/footsteps/player/dirt | ||
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text_snippet | step_run_09.vsnd_c | 48.8KB |
text_snippet | step_run_10.vsnd_c | 51.8KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/player/grass | ||
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sounds/physics/footsteps/player/gravel | ||
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text_snippet | step_run_10.vsnd_c | 38.8KB |
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sounds/physics/footsteps/player/lightbridge | ||
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sounds/physics/footsteps/player/metal_chainlink | ||
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sounds/physics/footsteps/player/metal_panel | ||
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sounds/physics/footsteps/player/metal_solid | ||
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sounds/physics/footsteps/player/metal_thin | ||
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sounds/physics/footsteps/player/metal_walkway | ||
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sounds/physics/footsteps/player/mud_puddle | ||
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sounds/physics/footsteps/player/mud | ||
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text_snippet | step_06.vsnd_c | 44KB |
text_snippet | step_07.vsnd_c | 43.1KB |
text_snippet | step_08.vsnd_c | 43.1KB |
text_snippet | step_light_01.vsnd_c | 40.5KB |
text_snippet | step_light_02.vsnd_c | 38.8KB |
text_snippet | step_light_03.vsnd_c | 39.5KB |
text_snippet | step_light_04.vsnd_c | 48.4KB |
text_snippet | step_light_05.vsnd_c | 46.7KB |
text_snippet | step_light_06.vsnd_c | 46.6KB |
text_snippet | step_light_07.vsnd_c | 44.9KB |
text_snippet | step_light_08.vsnd_c | 42.4KB |
text_snippet | step_light_09.vsnd_c | 47.2KB |
text_snippet | step_run_01.vsnd_c | 40KB |
text_snippet | step_run_02.vsnd_c | 33.1KB |
text_snippet | step_run_03.vsnd_c | 38.8KB |
text_snippet | step_run_04.vsnd_c | 41.2KB |
text_snippet | step_run_05.vsnd_c | 32.2KB |
text_snippet | step_run_06.vsnd_c | 41.1KB |
text_snippet | step_run_07.vsnd_c | 36.9KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/player/wood_crate | ||
text_snippet | land_01.vsnd_c | 55.2KB |
text_snippet | land_02.vsnd_c | 56KB |
text_snippet | land_03.vsnd_c | 56.8KB |
text_snippet | scuff_01.vsnd_c | 39KB |
text_snippet | scuff_02.vsnd_c | 46.3KB |
text_snippet | scuff_03.vsnd_c | 44.1KB |
text_snippet | scuff_04.vsnd_c | 43.3KB |
text_snippet | step_01.vsnd_c | 43.5KB |
text_snippet | step_02.vsnd_c | 40.6KB |
text_snippet | step_03.vsnd_c | 44.2KB |
text_snippet | step_04.vsnd_c | 42.9KB |
text_snippet | step_05.vsnd_c | 42KB |
text_snippet | step_06.vsnd_c | 38.7KB |
text_snippet | step_07.vsnd_c | 45.6KB |
text_snippet | step_08.vsnd_c | 45.9KB |
text_snippet | step_09.vsnd_c | 38.8KB |
text_snippet | step_light_01.vsnd_c | 36.2KB |
text_snippet | step_light_02.vsnd_c | 32KB |
text_snippet | step_light_03.vsnd_c | 32.4KB |
text_snippet | step_light_04.vsnd_c | 38.5KB |
text_snippet | step_light_05.vsnd_c | 41.7KB |
text_snippet | step_light_06.vsnd_c | 37KB |
text_snippet | step_light_07.vsnd_c | 36.1KB |
text_snippet | step_light_08.vsnd_c | 35.8KB |
text_snippet | step_run_01.vsnd_c | 37.1KB |
text_snippet | step_run_02.vsnd_c | 41.2KB |
text_snippet | step_run_03.vsnd_c | 39KB |
text_snippet | step_run_04.vsnd_c | 35.2KB |
text_snippet | step_run_05.vsnd_c | 38.3KB |
text_snippet | step_run_06.vsnd_c | 35.5KB |
text_snippet | step_run_07.vsnd_c | 35.5KB |
text_snippet | step_run_08.vsnd_c | 38.7KB |
text_snippet | step_run_09.vsnd_c | 37KB |
text_snippet | step_run_10.vsnd_c | 36.2KB |
text_snippet | step_run_11.vsnd_c | 32.5KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/player/wood_debris | ||
text_snippet | land_01.vsnd_c | 62.4KB |
text_snippet | land_02.vsnd_c | 61.5KB |
text_snippet | scuff_01.vsnd_c | 53.6KB |
text_snippet | scuff_02.vsnd_c | 68.2KB |
text_snippet | scuff_03.vsnd_c | 46KB |
text_snippet | scuff_04.vsnd_c | 43.9KB |
text_snippet | step_01.vsnd_c | 48.9KB |
text_snippet | step_02.vsnd_c | 50.5KB |
text_snippet | step_03.vsnd_c | 44.6KB |
text_snippet | step_04.vsnd_c | 55.9KB |
text_snippet | step_05.vsnd_c | 58.5KB |
text_snippet | step_06.vsnd_c | 47.7KB |
text_snippet | step_07.vsnd_c | 44.3KB |
text_snippet | step_08.vsnd_c | 43.5KB |
text_snippet | step_09.vsnd_c | 41KB |
text_snippet | step_light_01.vsnd_c | 50.8KB |
text_snippet | step_light_02.vsnd_c | 57.6KB |
text_snippet | step_light_03.vsnd_c | 63.4KB |
text_snippet | step_light_04.vsnd_c | 50.6KB |
text_snippet | step_light_05.vsnd_c | 48KB |
text_snippet | step_light_06.vsnd_c | 56.1KB |
text_snippet | step_light_07.vsnd_c | 53.6KB |
text_snippet | step_run_01.vsnd_c | 31KB |
text_snippet | step_run_02.vsnd_c | 26.1KB |
text_snippet | step_run_03.vsnd_c | 31.3KB |
text_snippet | step_run_04.vsnd_c | 29.6KB |
text_snippet | step_run_05.vsnd_c | 30.8KB |
text_snippet | step_run_06.vsnd_c | 29KB |
text_snippet | step_run_07.vsnd_c | 34.7KB |
text_snippet | step_run_08.vsnd_c | 30.1KB |
text_snippet | step_run_09.vsnd_c | 31.7KB |
text_snippet | step_run_10.vsnd_c | 31.2KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/player/wood_floor_old | ||
text_snippet | land_01.vsnd_c | 55KB |
text_snippet | land_02.vsnd_c | 56.4KB |
text_snippet | land_03.vsnd_c | 57.4KB |
text_snippet | scuff_01.vsnd_c | 44.9KB |
text_snippet | scuff_02.vsnd_c | 56.6KB |
text_snippet | scuff_03.vsnd_c | 41.8KB |
text_snippet | scuff_04.vsnd_c | 50.9KB |
text_snippet | step_01.vsnd_c | 46.1KB |
text_snippet | step_02.vsnd_c | 52.2KB |
text_snippet | step_03.vsnd_c | 45.3KB |
text_snippet | step_04.vsnd_c | 52.9KB |
text_snippet | step_05.vsnd_c | 57.6KB |
text_snippet | step_06.vsnd_c | 43.2KB |
text_snippet | step_07.vsnd_c | 35.3KB |
text_snippet | step_08.vsnd_c | 33.4KB |
text_snippet | step_09.vsnd_c | 39.9KB |
text_snippet | step_10.vsnd_c | 45.1KB |
text_snippet | step_light_01.vsnd_c | 43KB |
text_snippet | step_light_02.vsnd_c | 44.6KB |
text_snippet | step_light_03.vsnd_c | 40.4KB |
text_snippet | step_light_04.vsnd_c | 44.8KB |
text_snippet | step_light_05.vsnd_c | 46.8KB |
text_snippet | step_light_06.vsnd_c | 42.6KB |
text_snippet | step_light_07.vsnd_c | 49.4KB |
text_snippet | step_light_08.vsnd_c | 42.8KB |
text_snippet | step_light_09.vsnd_c | 45.7KB |
text_snippet | step_light_10.vsnd_c | 48.9KB |
text_snippet | step_run_01.vsnd_c | 33.3KB |
text_snippet | step_run_02.vsnd_c | 30.4KB |
text_snippet | step_run_03.vsnd_c | 32.9KB |
text_snippet | step_run_04.vsnd_c | 30.2KB |
text_snippet | step_run_05.vsnd_c | 31.4KB |
text_snippet | step_run_06.vsnd_c | 31.7KB |
text_snippet | step_run_07.vsnd_c | 29KB |
text_snippet | step_run_08.vsnd_c | 33.4KB |
text_snippet | step_run_09.vsnd_c | 32KB |
text_snippet | step_run_10.vsnd_c | 30.1KB |
text_snippet | step_run_11.vsnd_c | 28.6KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/player/wood_floor_parquet | ||
text_snippet | land_01.vsnd_c | 62.4KB |
text_snippet | land_02.vsnd_c | 58.5KB |
text_snippet | scuff_01.vsnd_c | 29KB |
text_snippet | scuff_02.vsnd_c | 32.9KB |
text_snippet | scuff_03.vsnd_c | 33.8KB |
text_snippet | scuff_04.vsnd_c | 32.1KB |
text_snippet | step_01.vsnd_c | 27KB |
text_snippet | step_02.vsnd_c | 27.3KB |
text_snippet | step_03.vsnd_c | 28.1KB |
text_snippet | step_04.vsnd_c | 28KB |
text_snippet | step_05.vsnd_c | 27.9KB |
text_snippet | step_06.vsnd_c | 31.5KB |
text_snippet | step_07.vsnd_c | 31.5KB |
text_snippet | step_08.vsnd_c | 31.8KB |
text_snippet | step_light_01.vsnd_c | 40.3KB |
text_snippet | step_light_02.vsnd_c | 38.5KB |
text_snippet | step_light_03.vsnd_c | 43.4KB |
text_snippet | step_light_04.vsnd_c | 38.4KB |
text_snippet | step_light_05.vsnd_c | 44KB |
text_snippet | step_light_06.vsnd_c | 43.1KB |
text_snippet | step_light_07.vsnd_c | 43.1KB |
text_snippet | step_light_08.vsnd_c | 43KB |
text_snippet | step_run_01.vsnd_c | 31.6KB |
text_snippet | step_run_02.vsnd_c | 32.5KB |
text_snippet | step_run_03.vsnd_c | 28.1KB |
text_snippet | step_run_04.vsnd_c | 31.1KB |
text_snippet | step_run_05.vsnd_c | 28.6KB |
text_snippet | step_run_06.vsnd_c | 22.5KB |
text_snippet | step_run_07.vsnd_c | 30.3KB |
text_snippet | step_run_08.vsnd_c | 32KB |
text_snippet | step_run_09.vsnd_c | 27.8KB |
text_snippet | step_run_10.vsnd_c | 27.8KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/shared/concrete | ||
text_snippet | shared_concrete_step_01.vsnd_c | 43KB |
text_snippet | shared_concrete_step_02.vsnd_c | 43.9KB |
text_snippet | shared_concrete_step_03.vsnd_c | 44.5KB |
text_snippet | shared_concrete_step_04.vsnd_c | 50.8KB |
text_snippet | shared_concrete_step_05.vsnd_c | 43.4KB |
text_snippet | shared_concrete_step_06.vsnd_c | 35.7KB |
text_snippet | shared_concrete_step_07.vsnd_c | 38.7KB |
text_snippet | shared_concrete_step_08.vsnd_c | 46KB |
text_snippet | shared_concrete_step_09.vsnd_c | 48KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/shared/dirt | ||
text_snippet | shared_dirt_step_01.vsnd_c | 37.5KB |
text_snippet | shared_dirt_step_02.vsnd_c | 31.7KB |
text_snippet | shared_dirt_step_03.vsnd_c | 35.4KB |
text_snippet | shared_dirt_step_04.vsnd_c | 40.8KB |
text_snippet | shared_dirt_step_05.vsnd_c | 37.4KB |
text_snippet | shared_dirt_step_06.vsnd_c | 34.9KB |
text_snippet | shared_dirt_step_07.vsnd_c | 38.4KB |
text_snippet | shared_dirt_step_08.vsnd_c | 33.8KB |
text_snippet | shared_dirt_step_09.vsnd_c | 39.4KB |
text_snippet | shared_dirt_step_10.vsnd_c | 35KB |
text_snippet | shared_dirt_step_11.vsnd_c | 32.8KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/shared/gravel | ||
text_snippet | shared_gravel_step_01.vsnd_c | 48.8KB |
text_snippet | shared_gravel_step_02.vsnd_c | 48.7KB |
text_snippet | shared_gravel_step_03.vsnd_c | 46.7KB |
text_snippet | shared_gravel_step_04.vsnd_c | 40.8KB |
text_snippet | shared_gravel_step_05.vsnd_c | 38.2KB |
text_snippet | shared_gravel_step_06.vsnd_c | 37.3KB |
text_snippet | shared_gravel_step_07.vsnd_c | 46.4KB |
text_snippet | shared_gravel_step_08.vsnd_c | 49.2KB |
text_snippet | shared_gravel_step_09.vsnd_c | 47.6KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/shared/metal_solid | ||
text_snippet | shared_metal_solid_step_01.vsnd_c | 54.6KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_solid_step_02.vsnd_c | 54.7KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_solid_step_03.vsnd_c | 54.7KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_solid_step_04.vsnd_c | 55.3KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_solid_step_05.vsnd_c | 54.5KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_solid_step_06.vsnd_c | 55.4KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_solid_step_07.vsnd_c | 55.5KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_solid_step_08.vsnd_c | 52.8KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/shared/metal_walkway | ||
text_snippet | shared_metal_walkway_step_01.vsnd_c | 44.2KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_walkway_step_02.vsnd_c | 42.2KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_walkway_step_03.vsnd_c | 46.8KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_walkway_step_04.vsnd_c | 49.4KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_walkway_step_05.vsnd_c | 47KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_walkway_step_06.vsnd_c | 52.3KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_walkway_step_07.vsnd_c | 45.1KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_walkway_step_08.vsnd_c | 50.6KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_walkway_step_09.vsnd_c | 44.4KB |
text_snippet | shared_metal_walkway_step_10.vsnd_c | 40.4KB |
sounds/physics/footsteps/shared/wood | ||
text_snippet | shared_wood_step_01.vsnd_c | 36.4KB |
text_snippet | shared_wood_step_02.vsnd_c | 31.3KB |
text_snippet | shared_wood_step_03.vsnd_c | 34.8KB |
text_snippet | shared_wood_step_04.vsnd_c | 33.1KB |
text_snippet | shared_wood_step_05.vsnd_c | 30.4KB |
text_snippet | shared_wood_step_06.vsnd_c | 38.6KB |
text_snippet | shared_wood_step_07.vsnd_c | 34.5KB |
text_snippet | shared_wood_step_08.vsnd_c | 33.7KB |
text_snippet | shared_wood_step_09.vsnd_c | 32.9KB |
text_snippet | shared_wood_step_10.vsnd_c | 37.8KB |
sounds/physics | ||
text_snippet | phys.metal.sheet.impact.sound_c | 728B |
text_snippet | physics.default.impact.sound_c | 1.3KB |
sounds/physics/props/ammo_clip_pistol | ||
text_snippet | contents_01.vsnd_c | 39.9KB |
text_snippet | contents_02.vsnd_c | 30.4KB |
text_snippet | contents_03.vsnd_c | 34.7KB |
text_snippet | contents_04.vsnd_c | 25.8KB |
text_snippet | contents_05.vsnd_c | 25.2KB |
text_snippet | contents_06.vsnd_c | 28.1KB |
text_snippet | contents_07.vsnd_c | 26.2KB |
text_snippet | contents_08.vsnd_c | 27.5KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_01.vsnd_c | 21.6KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 21.8KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 23.6KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_01.vsnd_c | 23.6KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_02.vsnd_c | 28.9KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_03.vsnd_c | 24.1KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_04.vsnd_c | 32.1KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_01.vsnd_c | 29.6KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_02.vsnd_c | 30.5KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_03.vsnd_c | 30.1KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_04.vsnd_c | 21.3KB |
sounds/physics/props/ammo_clip_rapidfire | ||
text_snippet | contents_01.vsnd_c | 39KB |
text_snippet | contents_02.vsnd_c | 28.8KB |
text_snippet | contents_03.vsnd_c | 34.4KB |
text_snippet | contents_04.vsnd_c | 25.8KB |
text_snippet | contents_05.vsnd_c | 25.2KB |
text_snippet | contents_06.vsnd_c | 30.5KB |
text_snippet | contents_07.vsnd_c | 29.4KB |
text_snippet | contents_08.vsnd_c | 26.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_01.vsnd_c | 43.4KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 32.6KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 36.3KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_01.vsnd_c | 39.5KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_02.vsnd_c | 36.5KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_03.vsnd_c | 33.1KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_04.vsnd_c | 35.6KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_01.vsnd_c | 65.7KB |
sounds/physics/props/ammo_clip_shotgun | ||
text_snippet | contents_01.vsnd_c | 35.4KB |
text_snippet | contents_02.vsnd_c | 31.6KB |
text_snippet | contents_03.vsnd_c | 34.7KB |
text_snippet | contents_04.vsnd_c | 27KB |
text_snippet | contents_05.vsnd_c | 32.8KB |
text_snippet | contents_06.vsnd_c | 30.4KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_01.vsnd_c | 20.1KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 22.3KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 23.6KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_01.vsnd_c | 28.2KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_02.vsnd_c | 25.5KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_03.vsnd_c | 32.1KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_01.vsnd_c | 36KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_02.vsnd_c | 33.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_03.vsnd_c | 33.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_04.vsnd_c | 39KB |
sounds/physics/props/ammo_shell_pistol | ||
text_snippet | pistol_shell_impact_01.vsnd_c | 53.3KB |
text_snippet | pistol_shell_impact_02.vsnd_c | 54.4KB |
text_snippet | pistol_shell_impact_03.vsnd_c | 43.2KB |
text_snippet | pistol_shell_impact_04.vsnd_c | 48.6KB |
text_snippet | pistol_shell_impact_05.vsnd_c | 53KB |
text_snippet | pistol_shell_impact_06.vsnd_c | 56KB |
text_snippet | pistol_shell_impact_07.vsnd_c | 43.8KB |
sounds/physics/props/ammo_shell_shotgun | ||
text_snippet | impact_a_01.vsnd_c | 13.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 16.1KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 15.8KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_04.vsnd_c | 24.6KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_01.vsnd_c | 30KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_02.vsnd_c | 35.4KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_03.vsnd_c | 31.8KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_04.vsnd_c | 30.9KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_01.vsnd_c | 30.1KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_02.vsnd_c | 44.5KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_03.vsnd_c | 41.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_04.vsnd_c | 54.9KB |
sounds/physics/props/billiard_ball | ||
text_snippet | impact_a_01.vsnd_c | 10.2KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 10.2KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 12.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_01.vsnd_c | 17.1KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_02.vsnd_c | 17.5KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_03.vsnd_c | 17.2KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_01.vsnd_c | 11.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_02.vsnd_c | 13.6KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_03.vsnd_c | 12.1KB |
sounds/physics/props/book | ||
text_snippet | impact_a_01.vsnd_c | 12.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 11.5KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 11.8KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_01.vsnd_c | 17.8KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_02.vsnd_c | 15.4KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_03.vsnd_c | 15.8KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_01.vsnd_c | 14.2KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_02.vsnd_c | 14KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_03.vsnd_c | 13.9KB |
sounds/physics/props/calculator | ||
text_snippet | contents_01.vsnd_c | 22KB |
text_snippet | contents_02.vsnd_c | 26.1KB |
text_snippet | contents_03.vsnd_c | 32.3KB |
text_snippet | contents_04.vsnd_c | 25.3KB |
text_snippet | contents_05.vsnd_c | 31.5KB |
text_snippet | contents_06.vsnd_c | 34.1KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_01.vsnd_c | 19.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 21.9KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 21.8KB |
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text_snippet | impact_b_02.vsnd_c | 15KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_03.vsnd_c | 12.5KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_01.vsnd_c | 21.8KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_02.vsnd_c | 26.3KB |
sounds/physics/props/cardboard_box_broken_large | ||
text_snippet | contents_01.vsnd_c | 37KB |
text_snippet | contents_02.vsnd_c | 34.4KB |
text_snippet | contents_03.vsnd_c | 32.7KB |
text_snippet | contents_04.vsnd_c | 33.1KB |
text_snippet | contents_05.vsnd_c | 36KB |
text_snippet | contents_06.vsnd_c | 33.6KB |
text_snippet | contents_07.vsnd_c | 28.1KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_01.vsnd_c | 18.2KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 18.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 18.6KB |
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text_snippet | impact_b_02.vsnd_c | 16KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_03.vsnd_c | 15.9KB |
text_snippet | impact_b_04.vsnd_c | 18.1KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_01.vsnd_c | 30.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_02.vsnd_c | 30.3KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_03.vsnd_c | 29.4KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_04.vsnd_c | 20.4KB |
sounds/physics/props/cardboard_box_broken_medium | ||
text_snippet | contents_01.vsnd_c | 27.4KB |
text_snippet | contents_02.vsnd_c | 29.8KB |
text_snippet | contents_03.vsnd_c | 30.2KB |
text_snippet | contents_04.vsnd_c | 31.2KB |
text_snippet | contents_05.vsnd_c | 33KB |
text_snippet | contents_06.vsnd_c | 29.3KB |
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text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 11KB |
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sounds/physics/props/cardboard_box_empty_small | ||
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sounds/physics/props/cardboard_box_large | ||
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sounds/physics/props/cardboard_carton_butter | ||
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sounds/physics/props/cardboard_carton_crackers | ||
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sounds/physics/props/cardboard_matchbox | ||
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sounds/physics/props/cardboard_vort_magic | ||
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sounds/physics/props/ceramic_jar | ||
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sounds/physics/props/cigarette | ||
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sounds/physics/props/computer_keyboard | ||
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sounds/physics/props/computer | ||
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sounds/physics/props/flesh | ||
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sounds/physics/props/foliage_stem | ||
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sounds/physics/props/glass_bottle_wine | ||
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sounds/physics/props/metal_keyfob | ||
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sounds/physics/props/metal_manhack_gib | ||
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sounds/physics/props/metal_mug | ||
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sounds/physics/props/metal_tin_tiny | ||
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sounds/physics/props/metal_tool_hammer | ||
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sounds/physics/props/metal_tool_small | ||
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sounds/physics/props/metal_valve_handle | ||
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sounds/physics/props/metal_vase | ||
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sounds/physics/props/metal_wheel_hub | ||
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sounds/physics/props/metal_wheelbarrow | ||
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sounds/physics/props/paper_postit | ||
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sounds/physics/props/paper_towel | ||
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sounds/physics/props/telephone_rotary | ||
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text_snippet | impact_d_05.vsnd_c | 7.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_d_06.vsnd_c | 8.9KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/chainlink | ||
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text_snippet | impact_c_05.vsnd_c | 56KB |
text_snippet | impact_c_06.vsnd_c | 53.9KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/concrete | ||
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sounds/physics/surfaces/debris_concrete | ||
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text_snippet | impact_d_03.vsnd_c | 29.4KB |
text_snippet | impact_d_04.vsnd_c | 27.5KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/debris_wood | ||
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text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 6.6KB |
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text_snippet | impact_d_05.vsnd_c | 26.4KB |
text_snippet | impact_d_06.vsnd_c | 23.4KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/dirt | ||
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sounds/physics/surfaces/glass | ||
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text_snippet | impact_c_06.vsnd_c | 25.4KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/gravel | ||
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text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 9.1KB |
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text_snippet | impact_d_06.vsnd_c | 19KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/mattress | ||
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text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 14.2KB |
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text_snippet | impact_d_03.vsnd_c | 28.6KB |
text_snippet | impact_d_04.vsnd_c | 29.8KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/metal_panel | ||
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text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 7KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 5.2KB |
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text_snippet | impact_d_05.vsnd_c | 33.2KB |
text_snippet | impact_d_06.vsnd_c | 33.2KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/metal_solid | ||
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text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 6.5KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 6.6KB |
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text_snippet | impact_d_05.vsnd_c | 11.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_d_06.vsnd_c | 10.8KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/metal_thin | ||
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text_snippet | metal_thin_d_05.vsnd_c | 20.3KB |
text_snippet | metal_thin_d_06.vsnd_c | 17.2KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/metal_walkway | ||
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text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 7.3KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 5.4KB |
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text_snippet | impact_d_05.vsnd_c | 25.4KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/mud | ||
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text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 5.8KB |
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text_snippet | impact_d_03.vsnd_c | 26.4KB |
text_snippet | impact_d_04.vsnd_c | 26.5KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/porcelain_sink | ||
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text_snippet | impact_d_03.vsnd_c | 7.2KB |
text_snippet | impact_d_04.vsnd_c | 10KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/rubber_tire | ||
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text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 3.5KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 3.7KB |
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text_snippet | impact_d_04.vsnd_c | 16.2KB |
text_snippet | impact_d_05.vsnd_c | 12.9KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/sofa | ||
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text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 9.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 11.3KB |
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text_snippet | impact_d_03.vsnd_c | 22.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_d_04.vsnd_c | 18.7KB |
sounds/physics/surfaces/wood | ||
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text_snippet | impact_a_02.vsnd_c | 9.7KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_03.vsnd_c | 9.2KB |
text_snippet | impact_a_04.vsnd_c | 9.4KB |
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text_snippet | impact_d_03.vsnd_c | 23.6KB |
text_snippet | impact_d_04.vsnd_c | 22.3KB |
text_snippet | impact_d_05.vsnd_c | 27KB |
sounds | ||
text_snippet | pickup_01.vsnd_c | 78.1KB |
text_snippet | pickup_02.vsnd_c | 65.3KB |
text_snippet | pickup_03.vsnd_c | 77.5KB |
text_snippet | pickup.sound_c | 746B |
sounds/player | ||
text_snippet | damage_taken_shot.sound_c | 665B |
text_snippet | damage_taken_shot.vsnd_c | 92.7KB |
sounds/props/ammo_shell_shotgun | ||
text_snippet | ammo.shell.pistol.impact.sound_c | 1.9KB |
text_snippet | ammo.shell.shotgun.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | ammo.shell.shotgun.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | ammo.shell.shotgun.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.4KB |
sounds/props/book | ||
text_snippet | book.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | book.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | book.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.1KB |
sounds/props/bowling_pin | ||
text_snippet | bowlingpin.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | bowlingpin.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | bowlingpin.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | bowlingpin.impact.veryhard.sound_c | 1.1KB |
sounds/props/calculator | ||
text_snippet | calculator.contents.sound_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | calculator.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | calculator.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | calculator.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/cardboard_box_ammo | ||
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sounds/props/cardboard_box_large | ||
text_snippet | cardboard.box.large.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.box.large.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.box.large.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/cardboard_box_medium | ||
text_snippet | cardboard.box.medium.break.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.box.medium.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.4KB |
sounds/props/cardboard_box_small | ||
text_snippet | cardboard.box.small.break.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.box.small.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.box.small.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.box.small.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.box.small.shake.sound_c | 1.6KB |
sounds/props/cardboard_carton_cereal | ||
text_snippet | cardboard.carton.cereal.contents.sound_c | 1.8KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.carton.cereal.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.carton.cereal.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.carton.cereal.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.3KB |
sounds/props/cardboard_carton_cigarrettes | ||
text_snippet | cardboard.carton.cigarettes.contents.sound_c | 1.7KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.carton.cigarettes.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.carton.cigarettes.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.carton.cigarettes.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.3KB |
sounds/props/computer | ||
text_snippet | computer.contents.sound_c | 1.6KB |
text_snippet | computer.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | computer.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | computer.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | computer.impact.veryhard.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | computer.scrape.sound_c | 944B |
sounds/props/cookware_pan | ||
text_snippet | cookware.pan.b.impact.hard.sound_c | 993B |
text_snippet | cookware.pan.b.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | cookware.pan.b.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | cookware.pan.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | cookware.pan.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | cookware.pan.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/cookware_pot | ||
text_snippet | metal.cookware.pot.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | metal.cookware.pot.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | metal.cookware.pot.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.4KB |
sounds/props/flesh_bloody | ||
text_snippet | flesh.bloody.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | flesh.bloody.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | flesh.bloody.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/flesh | ||
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text_snippet | flesh.break.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | flesh.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | flesh.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | flesh.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.1KB |
sounds/props/glass_phys_large | ||
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sounds/props/glass_phys_medium | ||
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sounds/props/glass_phys_small | ||
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sounds/props/glass_prop_shard | ||
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text_snippet | glass.prop.shard.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.5KB |
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sounds/props/glass_prop_small | ||
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text_snippet | glass.prop.small.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
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sounds/props/glass_vase | ||
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sounds/props/glassbottle | ||
text_snippet | glassbottle.break.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/grenade | ||
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text_snippet | grenade.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | grenade.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | grenade.rattle.sound_c | 1.8KB |
sounds/props/keyboard | ||
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text_snippet | keyboard.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | keyboard.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | keyboard.rattle.sound_c | 1.6KB |
sounds/props/leather_folder | ||
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text_snippet | leather.folder.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | leather.folder.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/metal_bucket | ||
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text_snippet | metal.bucket.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | metal.bucket.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/metal_chair | ||
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text_snippet | metal.chair.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | metal.chair.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.3KB |
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sounds/props/metal_geigerbox | ||
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text_snippet | metal.geigerbox.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | metal.geigerbox.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
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sounds/props/metal_keg | ||
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text_snippet | metal.keg.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | metal.keg.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | metal.keg.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/metal_tool_large | ||
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text_snippet | metal.tool.large.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
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sounds/props/metal_tool_small | ||
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text_snippet | metal.tool.small.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | metal.tool.small.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/metal_tool | ||
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text_snippet | metal.tool.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | metal.tool.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | metal.tool.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/mug | ||
text_snippet | mug.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | mug.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | mug.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/oildrum | ||
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text_snippet | oildrum.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | oildrum.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | oildrum.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | oildrum.impact.veryhard.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | oildrum.scrape.rough.sound_c | 970B |
text_snippet | oildrum.scrape.smooth.sound_c | 971B |
sounds/props/paper_towel | ||
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text_snippet | paper.towel.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | paper.towel.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/pillow | ||
text_snippet | pillow.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | pillow.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | pillow.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | pillow.shake.sound_c | 1.4KB |
sounds/props/plastic_bottle_large | ||
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text_snippet | plastic.bottle.large.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
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sounds/props/plastic_bottle | ||
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text_snippet | plastic.bottle.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | plastic.bottle.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.4KB |
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sounds/props/plastic_misc_med | ||
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text_snippet | plastic.misc.med.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | plastic.misc.med.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
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sounds/props/plastic_misc_small | ||
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text_snippet | plastic.misc.small.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
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sounds/props/plastic_stapler | ||
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text_snippet | plastic.stapler.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | plastic.stapler.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | plastic.stapler.rattle.sound_c | 1.6KB |
sounds/props/poolball | ||
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text_snippet | poolball.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | poolball.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/porcelain_plate | ||
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text_snippet | porcelain.plate.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | porcelain.plate.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.3KB |
sounds/props/pottery_flowerpot | ||
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text_snippet | pottery.flowerpot.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | pottery.flowerpot.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | pottery.flowerpot.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/winebottle | ||
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text_snippet | winebottle.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | winebottle.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | winebottle.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.2KB |
sounds/props/wood_chair | ||
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text_snippet | wood.chair.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | wood.chair.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | wood.chair.impact.veryhard.sound_c | 1.3KB |
sounds/props/wood_furniture | ||
text_snippet | wood.furniture.impact.hard.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | wood.furniture.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | wood.furniture.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | wood.furniture.impact.veryhard.sound_c | 1.3KB |
sounds/props/wood_gib_small | ||
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text_snippet | wood.gib.small.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
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sounds/props/wood_gib | ||
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text_snippet | wood.gib.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | wood.gib.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.3KB |
sounds/props/wood_plank | ||
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text_snippet | wood.plank.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | wood.plank.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.3KB |
sounds/props/woodbox | ||
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text_snippet | woodbox.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.2KB |
text_snippet | woodbox.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.3KB |
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sounds/props/woodcrate | ||
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text_snippet | woodcrate.impact.medium.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | woodcrate.impact.soft.sound_c | 1.3KB |
text_snippet | woodcrate.impact.veryhard.sound_c | 1.3KB |
sounds | ||
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sounds/terrortown | ||
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text_snippet | round.end.vsnd_c | 612.7KB |
text_snippet | round.start.sound_c | 698B |
text_snippet | round.start.vsnd_c | 500.2KB |
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text_snippet | swoosh.vsnd_c | 345.2KB |
sounds | ||
text_snippet | tinnitus.sound_c | 668B |
text_snippet | tinnitus.vsnd_c | 285.6KB |
text_snippet | untitled.sound_c | 702B |
sounds/water | ||
text_snippet | water_bullet_impact.sound_c | 1001B |
text_snippet | water_splash_medium.sound_c | 666B |
text_snippet | water-transition-in.vsnd_c | 259KB |
text_snippet | water-transition-out.vsnd_c | 283.1KB |
sounds/weapons | ||
text_snippet | crowbar.hit.1.vsnd_c | 127KB |
text_snippet | crowbar.hit.2.vsnd_c | 127KB |
text_snippet | crowbar.hit.3.vsnd_c | 127KB |
text_snippet | crowbar.hit.4.vsnd_c | 127KB |
text_snippet | crowbar.hit.sound_c | 959B |
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text_snippet | cardboard.box.large.newsurf_c | 1.8KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.box.medium.newsurf_c | 2KB |
text_snippet | cardboard.box.small.newsurf_c | 2KB |
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text_snippet | carpet.newsurf_c | 1.4KB |
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text_snippet | dirt.surface_c | 1.1KB |
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text_snippet | gascanister.newsurf_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | glass.newsurf_c | 1.9KB |
text_snippet | glass.pane.newsurf_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | glass.prop.shard.newsurf_c | 1.8KB |
text_snippet | glass.prop.small.newsurf_c | 1.8KB |
text_snippet | glass.shard.newsurf_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | glass.surface_c | 1.3KB |
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text_snippet | metal.geigerbox.newsurf_c | 1.9KB |
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text_snippet | metal.newsurf_c | 2.2KB |
text_snippet | metal.panel.newsurf_c | 1.9KB |
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text_snippet | metal.prop.newsurf_c | 1.9KB |
text_snippet | metal.prop.small.newsurf_c | 1.8KB |
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text_snippet | metal.sheet.surface_c | 1.5KB |
text_snippet | metal.surface_c | 1.7KB |
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text_snippet | metal.tool.small.newsurf_c | 1.8KB |
text_snippet | metal.vent.newsurf_c | 1.7KB |
text_snippet | metal.walkway.surface_c | 1.4KB |
text_snippet | metal.weapon.newsurf_c | 1.8KB |
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text_snippet | plastic.bottle.small.newsurf_c | 1.7KB |
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text_snippet | plastic.newsurf_c | 1KB |
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text_snippet | sand.newsurf_c | 1.1KB |
text_snippet | slippy_wheels.newsurf_c | 1KB |
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text_snippet | wood.newsurf_c | 2.3KB |
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text_snippet | wood.sheet.newsurf_c | 1.9KB |
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insert_photo | floor_dirt_a_color_tga_d813774c.generated.vtex_c | 1.2MB |
insert_photo | floor_dirt_a_normal_tga_2384a0f5.generated.vtex_c | 5.3MB |
insert_photo | floor_dirt_a_normal_tga_4c5e5124.generated.vtex_c | 3.1MB |
insert_photo | floor_dirt_a_rough_tga_755b434c.generated.vtex_c | 4.8MB |
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