Marble Racer 1.0 is Live!
Posted 4 months ago
20 levels, 50 skins, over 2500 unique players, and a whopping 43,917 goals reached later, Marble Racer is officially out of beta. The 1.0 release has gone live, a scant few hours before the final jam deadline.

A huge thank you to everyone who has taken the time to play Marble Racer over this past month. Not only has everyone been extremely kind and welcoming, but your feedback and playtesting experience has helped me build a game that I'm extremely proud of, especially for a solo project, and my first ever project on s&box.

I'm proud to say I've delivered on all of the features I had hoped to execute on during this one-month timeframe. It's been a ton of work, and I'm definitely sleep deprived, but it was worth it.

Extra-special shoutout to my wonderful partner Erin, who not only made the awesome space background used in the game, but hooked me up with a new logo in these final hours!