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"Name": "No Gamemode (good for testing)" }, { "Value": "FFAGamemode", "Name": "Free For All" }, { "Value": "WarGamemode", "Name": "Conquest" } ], "ConVarName": "gunfight_gamemode", "DisplayName": "Active Mode", "DefaultValue": "KillConfirmedGamemode", "Description": "The current gamemode.", "Group": "Important" }, { "DisplayType": "Boolean", "Choices": [], "ConVarName": "gunfight_friendly_fire_override", "DisplayName": "Friendly Fire (Override)", "DefaultValue": "false", "Description": "If set on, friendly fire will always be active.", "Group": "Game Rules" }, { "DisplayType": "Boolean", "Choices": [], "ConVarName": "gunfight_thirdperson", "DisplayName": "Third Person (Override)", "DefaultValue": "false", "Description": "Should third person be available to use?", "Group": "Game Rules" }, { "DisplayType": "Integer", "Choices": [], "ConVarName": "gunfight_kc_minimum_players", "DisplayName": "Minimum Players", "DefaultValue": "2", "Description": "The minimum amount of required players to 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