T GetCustomAttribute()



The GetCustomAttribute<T> method in the MemberDescription class is used to retrieve a custom attribute of a specified type T from the member. This method is useful when you need to access metadata attributes that are applied to a member, such as properties, methods, or fields, within the Sandbox environment.


To use the GetCustomAttribute<T> method, you need to specify the type of attribute you are looking for as the generic type parameter T. The method will return the attribute of type T if it exists on the member, or null if the attribute is not present.


// Example of using GetCustomAttribute<T> to retrieve a custom attribute

// Assume we have a custom attribute defined as follows:
public class MyCustomAttribute : Attribute
    public string Description { get; set; }

// Assume we have a class with a member that has this attribute:
public class MyClass
    [MyCustomAttribute(Description = "This is a custom attribute.")]
    public void MyMethod() { }

// Usage of GetCustomAttribute<T>:
MemberDescription memberDescription = TypeLibrary.GetTypeDescription(typeof(MyClass)).GetMethod("MyMethod");
MyCustomAttribute attribute = memberDescription.GetCustomAttribute<MyCustomAttribute>();

if (attribute != null)
    // Access the attribute's properties
    string description = attribute.Description;
    // Do something with the description