Scene System
- Component
A GameObject can have many components, which are the building blocks of the game.
- GameObject
An object in the scene. Functionality is added using Components. A GameObject has a transform, which explains its position,
rotation and scale, …
- GameObjectSystem
Allows creation of a system that always exists in every scene,
is hooked into the scene's lifecycle,
and is disposed when the scene is dispo…
- Scene
- Application
- Easing
Easing functions used for transitions. See for examples.
- Game
- Gizmo
- Http
Lets your game make async HTTP requests.
- Json
A convenience JSON helper that handles Sandbox.Resource types for you.
- Noise
Provides access to coherent noise utilities.
All of these functions should return between 0 and 1.
- RealTime
Access to time.
- Time
- Input
Allows querying of player button presses and other inputs.
- Mouse
Gives access to mouse position etc
- Sound
Single source for creating sounds
- SoundHandle
A handle to a sound that is currently playing. You can use this to control the sound's position, volume, pitch etc.
- Connection
A connection, usually to a server or a client.
- Networking
Global manager to hold and tick the singleton instance of NetworkSystem.
Common Structs
- Angles
Euler angles. Unlike a <see cref="T:Rotation">Rotation</see>, Euler angles can represent multiple revolutions (rotations) around an axis,
but su…
- Color
Represents a color using 4 floats (rgba), with 0-1 range.
- Ray
A struct describing an origin and direction
- Rotation
Represents a Quaternion rotation. Can be interpreted as a direction unit vector (x,y,z) + rotation around the direction vector (w) which represent…
- Transform
A struct containing a position, rotation and scale. This is commonly used in engine to describe
entity position, bone position and scene object …
- Vector2
A 2-dimensional vector. Typically represents a position or size in 2D space.
- Vector3
A point in 3D space.
- ActionsInvoker
A component which allows you to use action in all the usual functions.
- AmbientLight
Adds an ambient light to the scene, applied globally.
- AudioListener
If this exists and is enabled in a scene, then the client will hear from this point rather than
from the cameras point of view.
- BaseSoundComponent
- CameraComponent
Every scene should have at least one Camera.
- CharacterController
Allows collision contrained movement without the need for a rigidbody. This is not affected by forces and will only move when you call the Move() …
- CitizenAnimationHelper
Used to control the Citizen animation state. You don't have to use this to animate your citizen avatar, but our
aim is to put everything you nee…
- Collider
- CollisionActionComponent
Reacts to collisions.
- CubemapFog
Applies a cubemap fog effect to the camera
- EnvmapProbe
A cubemap probe that captures the environment around it.
- GradientFog
Adds a gradient fog to the world
- HammerMesh
Added automatically by Hammer to GameObjects that have a map mesh tied to them.
When a map is compiled the Model property is populated by the ge…
- HighlightOutline
This component should be added to stuff you want to be outlined. You will also need to
add the Highlight component to the camera you want to re…
- Joint
- BallJoint
Fix two objects together but can rotate - like a shoulder.
- FixedJoint
Weld two physics objects together
- HingeJoint
Create a hinged connection between two physics objects. Like a door hinge or a wheel.
- SliderJoint
Restrict an object to one axis, relative to another object. Like a drawer opening.
- SpringJoint
Try to keep an object a set distance away from another object. Like a spring connecting two objects.
- LegacyParticleSystem
Support's Source Engine's vpcf particles
- Light
- DirectionalLight
A directional light that casts shadows, like the sun.
- PointLight
Emits light in all directions from a point in space.
- SpotLight
Emits light in a specific direction in a cone shape.
- LipSync
Drive morphs with lipsync from sounds.
- ManualHitbox
A hitbox that can be placed manually on a GameObject, instead of coming from a model
- MapInstance
Allows you to load a map into the Scene. This can be either a vpk or a scene map.
- MapObjectComponent
- MapSkybox3D
- MissingComponent
This is added when a component is missing. It will store the json data of the missing component, so we don't lose any data.
- ModelHitboxes
Hitboxes from a model
- ModelPhysics
Physics for a model. This is primarily used for ragdolls and other physics driven models, otherwise you should be using a Rigidbody.
- MoveMode
A move mode for this character
- NavMeshAgent
An agent that can navigate the navmesh defined in the scene.
- NavMeshArea
An area that influences the NavMesh generation.
Areas can be used to block off parts of the NavMesh.
Static areas have almost no performance o…
- NetworkHelper
Creates a networked game lobby and assigns player prefabs to connected clients.
- PanelComponent
- ParticleController
Particles can have extra controllers that can modify the particles every frame.
- ParticleEffect
Defines and holds particles. This is the core of the particle system.
- ParticleEmitter
Creates particles. Should be attached to a Sandbox.ParticleEffect.
- ParticleRenderer
Renders a set of particles. Should be attached to a Sandbox.ParticleRenderer.ParticleEffect.
- PlayerController
- PostProcess
Adds an effect to the camera
- Tonemapping
Applies a tonemapping effect to the camera.
- AmbientOcclusion
Adds an approximation of ambient occlusion using Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO).
It darkens areas where ambient light is generally occlud…
- Bloom
Applies a bloom effect to the camera
- Blur
Applies a blur effect to the camera.
- ChromaticAberration
Applies a chromatic aberration effect to the camera
- ColorAdjustments
Applies color adjustments to the camera.
- ColorGrading
Applies color grading to the camera
- DepthOfField
Applies a depth of field effect to the camera
- FilmGrain
Applies a film grain effect to the camera
- Highlight
This should be added to a camera that you want to outline stuff
- MotionBlur
Applies a motion blur effect to the camera
- Pixelate
Applies a pixelate effect to the camera
- Sharpen
Applies a sharpen effect to the camera
- Vignette
Applies a vignette to the camera
- Prop
A prop is defined by its model. The model can define its health and what happens when it breaks.
This component is designed to be easy to use - …
- Gib
A gib is a prop that is treated slightly different. It will fade out after a certain amount of time.
- Renderer
- Rigidbody
Adds physics properties to an object. Requires a collider to be attached to the same object.
- SceneInformation
- ScreenPanel
Renders any attached PanelComponents to the screen. Acts as the root for all your UI components.
- SimpleActionComponent
These should not exist
- SkyBox2D
Adds a 2D skybox to the world
- SoundscapeTrigger
Plays a soundscape when the listener enters the trigger area.
- SpawnPoint
Dictates where players will spawn when they join the game when using a NetworkHelper.
- TransformProxyComponent
Help to implement a component that completely overrides the transform. This is useful for scenarios
where you will want to keep the local transf…
- TriggerActionComponent
Reacts to collider triggers.
- Voice
Records and transmits voice/microphone input to other players.
- VolumeComponent
- VolumetricFogController
Internal component for storing the baked fog texture
We don't need to expose the volumetric fog controller like we did previously with entities,…
- VolumetricFogVolume
Adds a volumetric fog volume to the scene.
- VRAnchor
Updates the the VR anchor based on a GameObject's transform.
- VRHand
Updates the parameters on an Sandbox.SkinnedModelRenderer on this GameObject based on the skeletal data from SteamVR.
Useful for quick hand posi…
- VRModelRenderer
Renders a device-specific model for a VR device
- VRTrackedObject
Updates this GameObject's transform based on a given tracked object (e.g. left controller, HMD).
- VRWorldInput
- WorldInput
A router for world input, the best place to put this is on your player's camera.
Live Services
- Leaderboards
- Stats
Allows access to stats for the current game. Stats are defined by the game's author
and can be used to track anything from player actions to per…