In this game you can build simple structures and mechanisms, creating different interactions using the physics engine. The scenes you create can be saved. The game also includes a set of demo scenes to demonstrate some of the features.
This release focuses on DESTRUCTION. A lot of features have a simple implementation to achieve this and will probably be improved in the future.

The context menu (Element Properties) for shapes mainly has options for destructibility:
Breakable - the shape can be broken. If it is an explosive, it will detonate when broken. Enabled by default
Explosive - if set, shape becomes explosive.
Break Toughness Factor (0-1) - the lower the value, the more fragile the shape is. If set to 1, the shape cannot be broken from a fall or impact, only by explosion. Set to 1 by default.
Auto Explode Time (s) - timer for explosives detonation from the beginning of the simulation.
Explosion Radius - at the moment the size of the shape itself does not affect the explosion power and radius, only this parameter.

Useful hotkeys:
Space - start/pause simulation
Shift + Space - stop simulation
1-8 - tools selection
ctrl + c - copy shapes
ctrl + v - paste shapes