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Jump Pads, ViewModels, New UI, and more!

I've gone ahead and fixed all the known issues, such as the few odd BuildHash errors, NREs, and dreaded Red Laser that would show for a frame (that's right, finally squashed that sucker)

Playing GIBLETZ should be a much smoother experience since the last time you played, so come by and give it another go ☺️
I've given a few of the UI Screens that felt a bit bland a minor facelift, and increased general visibility on the menus that didn't have much I wanted to change. Overall everything just looks/feels a whole lot cleaner and snappier 😎

Main Menu:

Create New Lobby:

In-Game HUD:

End Game Results:

Your player will now wear their equipped clothing instead of always being naked.
Now you can show off your inventory items while gibletizing instantly :D
I tried implementing the new PlayerController that was recently added to S&box, seeing if it would be a good fit for GIBLETZ. But after a lot of trial & error, I've decided against switching to it. Mostly because I think the thing that makes GIBLETZ so fun is the movement, something that isn't really possible to replicate when you have to adhere to the laws of physics. I might consider switching to Shrimple Character Controller if any issues pop up however.

Everything (especially players) looked a bit *too* bright before, especially with bloom. So I've added Ambient Occlusion. This will also help a ton with item/clothing visiblity 👕
This will look even better once Sam's new AO merges 😘
This was something Boomer had. And because most were baked into World Geometry, if you played a Boomer map in GIBLETZ, you'd always see Jump Pads that never worked. So I've decided to implement them, using sensible default values for those that are automatically generated from old Entity Maps.

I've finally added a proper Viewmodel for the Instagun. This has completely changed the vibe of the game and added so much more weight to each individual shot/kill. Give it a try and let me know what you think 🥳

Leave a comment if there's anything you'd still want to see from GIBLETZ.
Otherwise I'd like to consider the game feature-complete and stable for now ☺️


Aug, 8 2022