PhysicsTraceResult RunAgainstBBox( BBox& box, Transform& transform )



The RunAgainstBBox method in the PhysicsTraceBuilder class is used to perform a physics trace against a bounding box (BBox) within the game world. This method is part of the physics tracing system in s&box, which allows developers to perform collision detection and physics queries.

This method takes a reference to a BBox and a Transform as parameters. The BBox represents the bounding box to trace against, and the Transform represents the transformation applied to the bounding box, which includes position, rotation, and scale.

The method returns a PhysicsTraceResult, which contains information about the trace result, such as whether a collision occurred, the point of impact, and the normal of the surface hit.


To use the RunAgainstBBox method, you need to have an instance of PhysicsTraceBuilder. You can configure the trace using various methods provided by PhysicsTraceBuilder to set the trace parameters, such as the trace shape, size, and filters. Once configured, call RunAgainstBBox with the desired bounding box and transform to perform the trace.

Ensure that the BBox and Transform are correctly set up to represent the object you want to trace against.


// Example of using RunAgainstBBox

// Create a PhysicsTraceBuilder instance
PhysicsTraceBuilder traceBuilder = new PhysicsTraceBuilder();

// Define a bounding box and transform
BBox box = new BBox(new Vector3(-1, -1, -1), new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
Transform transform = new Transform(Vector3.Zero, Rotation.Identity);

// Run the trace against the bounding box
PhysicsTraceResult result = traceBuilder.RunAgainstBBox(ref box, ref transform);

// Check if the trace hit something
if (result.Hit)
    // Handle the hit result
    Vector3 hitPosition = result.Position;
    Vector3 hitNormal = result.Normal;
    // Additional logic here