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Misplaced Reviews

23 Days Ago
27 Days Ago
Seems nice, needs improvment, pls let the player choose the mouse speed
22 Days Ago
Updated review: The game has been updated with a patch for the ammo pickups, which is much needed. Especially now that there have been introduced even more levels which are substantially harder than the original ones. I did notice a bug on the "office" building where on the entry where you can choose between the left and right door, the path to the right door is blocked by an invisible wall (bug?) I did enjoy the new levels that was introduced. For future levels the sliding mechanic should be taken into account as well. Initial review: Interesting game, however I was unnable to pickup any ammo :( Managed to finish it with Melee however!
29 Days Ago
30 Days Ago
Very neat concept! I'd have loved to see a bit more varied combat or gunplay - the environment design was especially nice.
worth checking out, fun first pass of gameplay and interesting variety of environments