HEAT Reviews

21 Days Ago
Buggy but funny
32 Days Ago
Great Game! Very fun, the boss fight was awesome! Cant wait for more levels! also would be fun to have more bosses maybe every 5 levels you get a boss fight or something! cool game tho
59 Days Ago
its good
59 Days Ago
Gooooood prototype great game mechanics
59 Days Ago
60 Days Ago
Really glitchy, but love the movement
60 Days Ago
I never imagined that I would play a game that makes me fly using walls.
Genuinely incredibly fun. Best thing I've seen on s&box.
3 Months Ago
parkour in this game is shit
5 Months Ago
An interesting parkour-roguelite concept with a fantastic player controller. Really nice presentation too!
5 Months Ago
kept getting pushed off walls or losing all my momentum out of nowhere and if I let go of a or d before pressing jump on a wall it wastes my double jump
5 Months Ago
Pretty fun for the short amount of time I played it, but maybe needs the transitions between menus/levels to be a bit quicker. Felt like I spent a whole 5 seconds waiting for the difficulty selector. Otherwise really good!
5 Months Ago
needs to be replayable
5 Months Ago
like the idea, but i found myself fighting against the character controller.
5 Months Ago
Goodest game in sandbox
5 Months Ago
Somewhat fun, didn't really like the default fov as it made me a bit motion sick. Feels aslo a bit floaty in general, otherwise fun.
5 Months Ago
Fun game, love the movement! Wish I didn't get caught up on the vent props and I feel like the kill triggers over pits/traps are pretty aggressive. I get put in situations that I feel like I could save myself from if the triggers weren't so high. Also wish the game didn't immediately restart when I die so I could get some more feedback on how I died. Overall having a lot of fun though!
5 Months Ago
Nice. If you're gonna have a crosshair, the gun shooting should line up with that IMO, and I found the game a bit hard (got stuck trying to jump up after a elevator on the second level). Also leaderboard should just submit, and if you really want to just offer an option to opt out