This is my first project for s&box and it's been a great learning experience, thanks anyone who helped me!


A strong helmet made from an old propane canister.

Clothing definition information 

Terry Version -
Texture set 1 - 1k
LOD0 -6,577
LOD1 - 5,371
LOD2 - 1,827
LOD3 - 251

Human Male Version -
Texture set 1 - SAME AS TERRY
LOD0 -6,579
LOD1 - 5,435
LOD2 -2,656
LOD3 - 326

Human Female Version - SAME AS MALE 

Proof of Ownership

All Fonts used have a  SIL open license so they are fine for commercial use.

All modelling work was done in plasticity and blender.
All Texturing work was done in Substance Painter.
All Rendering and presentation was done in MTB5.