Update 1.0!

Hey, what's up, fellow Frank Sim enthusiasts? It's been a minute since I've checked in with you all, and boy, do I have some exciting updates to share today. As you can probably tell from the bags under my eyes, I've been crazy busy lately. But amidst the chaos, I've finally managed to carve out some time to work on something that's been on my mind for ages: upgrading Frank to a full-bodied experience.

Now, if you've been following along with the development of Frank Sim, you'll know that Frank has been... well, a floating head( and torso) for quite some time now. It's not that I haven't wanted to give him a body – trust me, I've had countless sleepless nights pondering the logistics – but between work, life, and, well, more work, finding the time and resources to make it happen has been a challenge.

But fear not, dear viewers, because today marks a turning point in the evolution of Frank. After months of meticulous planning, late-night coding sessions, and perhaps one too many cups of coffee, I am thrilled to announce that Frank is finally getting the full-body treatment he deserves.

It's been quite the journey to get to this point, let me tell you. From brainstorming different body types and outfits to fine-tuning his movements and animations, every step of this process has been a labor of love. And while there have been moments of frustration and doubt along the way, seeing Frank come to life in ways I never thought possible has made it all worth it.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "But wait, what does this mean for the future of Frank Sim?" Well, let me assure you, this is just the beginning. With Frank's newfound mobility and expression, the possibilities are truly endless. From exploring new environments and interacting with other characters to embarking on epic quests and adventures, the world of Frank Sim is about to get a whole lot bigger – and I, for one, couldn't be more excited.

So, to all the Frank fans out there, thank you for your patience and support. Your enthusiasm and dedication mean the world to me, and I can't wait to share more updates with you as we continue this journey together. Until next time, keep on simulating, and remember: the best is yet to come.

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