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Aug 2024 4 posts
removing terry is a terrible mistake. if you just made him not default that would be fine but removing him? why?? give me the option at least. 

i'm going to be honest, I havent used s&box but have been really looking forward to. terry to me was a symbol that these devs know whats up. they actually have a sense of humor and some unique personality. it was dumb, but it was a huge draw for me. removing this is a huge disappointment and really makes me a lot less excited to use s&box. in a world of unbelivably boring microsoft/facebook "avatars" and character designs that aim to be as inoffensive as possible (and yet to me and others somehow become more offensive than anything), terry really made this project stand out. it makes me worried that s&box devs will make safer choices and choose to be more restrained in the future, which is a bummer and a turn off. 

i hope this mistake is revered, or terry is at least brought back as an option everyone can use. 
trophy 0
Sep 2024 4 posts
who/what is this "Terry" that you all write about in the comments?
(ah, got it)
removing Terry is a good decision
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