{ "MaxPlayers": 64, "MinPlayers": 1, "GameNetworkType": "Multiplayer", "MapSelect": "Official", "MapList": [ "facepunch.jumpermap" ], "RankType": "Best", "PerMapRanking": false, "LeaderboardType": "Descending", "ProjectTemplate": null, "ParentPackage": "", "GameCategory": "Parkour", "Physics": { "SubSteps": 1, "TimeScale": 1, "Gravity": "0,0,-800", "AirDensity": 1.2, "SleepingEnabled": true, "SimulationMode": "Continuous", "PositionIterations": 2, "VelocityIterations": 8, "SoftBodyIterations": 1, "SoftBodySubsteps": 1 }, "ControlModes": { "Keyboard": true, "Gamepad": true }, "GeneralExtensions": false, "TargettedExtensions": false, "ExtensionApiVersion": 1001, "DefaultLeaderboards": [ "Current_Height", "Current_Height_Distance", "Map-{map}-Current-Height" ], "Summary": "Jumper is a challenging platformer style game where you must work your way to the top.", "Description": "Jumper is a challenging platformer style game where you must work your way to the top.\n\n\nScore and Progress only save in non-tools mode.", "Public": true, "CsProjName": "", "HttpAllowList": null, "TickRate": 50, "StartupScene": "scenes/jumper.scene", "Compiler": { "RootNamespace": "Sandbox", "DefineConstants": "SANDBOX;ADDON;DEBUG", "NoWarn": "1701;1702;1591;", "WarningsAsErrors": "", "AssemblyReferences": [], "IgnoreFolders": [], "DistinctAssemblyReferences": [] }, "MapStartupScene": "scenes/jumper.scene", "LaunchMode": "QuickPlay", "Resources": "fonts/*\n*.scss\nAssets/ui/hud/*\nAssets/ui/*\nAssets/fonts/*\n/ui/hud/*\n/ui/*\n/fonts/*", "CodePackageReferences": [] }