{ "MapList": [ "facepunch.construct" ], "PerMapRanking": false, "LeaderboardType": "None", "RankType": "None", "MapSelect": "Unrestricted", "GameNetworkType": "Multiplayer", "MaxPlayers": 64, "MinPlayers": 1, "Collision": { "Defaults": { "solid": "Collide", "trigger": "Trigger", "ladder": "Ignore", "water": "Trigger", "debris": "Unset", "player": "Unset", "glass": "Unset" }, "Pairs": [ { "a": "solid", "b": "solid", "r": "Collide" }, { "a": "trigger", "b": "playerclip", "r": "Ignore" }, { "a": "solid", "b": "trigger", "r": "Trigger" }, { "a": "playerclip", "b": "solid", "r": "Collide" }, { "a": "debris", "b": "debris" }, { "a": "debris", "b": "player", "r": "Ignore" }, { "a": "trigger", "b": "player" }, { "a": "ladder", "b": "player" }, { "a": "trigger", "b": "debris" }, { "a": "ladder", "b": "debris" }, { "a": "player", "b": "player" }, { "a": "player", "b": "glass", "r": "Trigger" }, { "a": "trigger", "b": "glass", "r": "Ignore" }, { "a": "glass", "b": "glass", "r": "Ignore" }, { "a": "water", "b": "glass" } ] }, "GameCategory": "None", "Physics": { "SubSteps": 4, "TimeScale": 1, "Gravity": "0,0,-800", "AirDensity": 1.2, "SleepingEnabled": true, "SimulationMode": "Continuous", "PositionIterations": 2, "VelocityIterations": 8, "SoftBodyIterations": 1, "SoftBodySubsteps": 1 }, "DefaultLeaderboards": null, "Summary": "Create and play in your own sandbox mode.", "Description": "This game lets you spawn props and ragdolls and create entities to play with. It\u0027s like Garry\u0027s Mod.\r\n\r\nThis is a bit of a sandbox itself. This is not the final sandbox gamemode. All of this code will likely be thrown away and re-written when we come to do the sandbox gamemode proper.", "Public": true, "ReplaceTags": "sandbox game dynamic spawnmenu physgun" }
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