About Sprite Tools

A suite of 2D Sprite tools for S&box.

-   2D Sprite Resource
      - Animations
          - Change Speed/FPS
          - Change Origin Point
          - Toogle Looping
          - Attach Points
      - Broadcast Messages
  - 2D Sprite Component
      - Set Current Animation from Inspector
      - ActionGraph properties for each Broadcast Event
      - Create Attach Points as "Procedural Bone" child GameObjects
      - Enable/Disable Shadows
      - Tint Color (Tints the sprite a specific colour, removing non-existent colors)

      - Flash Color/Flash Amount (Blends the color of each pixel towards the Flash Color based on Flash Amount. Good for replacing all pixels with one color)

Github: https://github.com/Facepunch/sbox-spritetools/