Features: > 2D Sprite Resource - Animations - Change Speed/FPS - Change Origin Point - Toggle Looping - Attach Points - Broadcast Messages - Spritesheet Importer > 2D Sprite Component - Set Current Animation, along with playback speed - ActionGraph properties for each Broadcast Event - Create Attach Points as "Procedural Bone" child GameObjects - Enable/Disable Shadows - Tint Color (Tints the sprite a specific color, removing non-existent colors) - Flash Color (Blends the color of each pixel towards the Flash Color, replacing all pixels with one color) > 2D Tileset Resource - Tiles - Custom Tile Sizes - Tile Metadata (Names/Tags) - Autotile Brushes - Support for 2x2, 3x3, and 3x3 minimal tilesets - Import Autotiles from an existing Resource > 2D Tileset Component - Tile/Autotile Painting (Paint Tool, Eraser Tool, Rectangle Tool, Line Tool) - Multiple Layers (each can have it's own Tileset) - Collision Generation