trophy 1055
Mar 2025 0 post
3 Days Ago
Played 27 minutes
Good times. I'd like to get the pay rise!
trophy 320
Jul 2022 0 post
9 Days Ago
Played 26 minutes
This is for the best game on s&box, very nice game!
trophy 40
Aug 2024 0 post
37 Days Ago
Played 33 minutes
Very good shat myself
trophy 130
Mar 2024 0 post
44 Days Ago
Played 26 minutes
trophy 580
Sep 2022 0 post
46 Days Ago
Played 25 minutes
Great horror game, for the guys with Thalassophobia and Megalophobia it's just a brick factory
trophy 330
Dec 2024 0 post
60 Days Ago
Played 45 minutes
trophy 230
May 2021 0 post
2 Months Ago
Played 30 minutes
Enjoyed the demo very much. Loved the humor, the idea of a 'broken AI' in charge, and a possibly sinister company. Reminded me of Aperture Science, good times. The swimming speed could probably be upped a bit, since it takes too long to swim to a destination and nothing is happening, makes the player feel bored. (on the other hand, looking behind on the last level was not a good idea) Probably more interactions could be implemented (I assume there are some already planned), as it can get repetitive fast if it was only welding/cutting and unclogging. Being mainly underwater focused, I could see also having levels or parts of them where you are not in the water, but rather inside some old abandoned complexes where you explore those. Overall, its really good.
trophy 0
Sep 2021 0 post
2 Months Ago
Played 6 minutes
Needs Work
game suck. is mid
trophy 155
Sep 2022 51 posts
2 Months Ago
Played 20 minutes
Shows Promise
Good atmosphere and sounds. There are moments of legitimate tension. The game has voice acting and a story. The gameplay concept could be worked in to something really good. I played for two in-game days. These are the issues that I had: 1. I couldn't find a list of controls listed either here or in-game. 2. I couldn't find a way to pause the game. 3. I was confused as to the function of the three buttons in the diving bell. 4. I was unsure as to whether the slow movement speed was intentional. 5. I found the writing for the sinister corporate AI unbearably corny, but since I stopped playing early, it's possible that this character has a glow-up.
trophy 30
Apr 2021 2 posts
2 Months Ago
Played 24 minutes
The last level restarted after I died, unfortunate to not have a checkpoint or some alternative ending!
trophy 320
Aug 2023 0 post
2 Months Ago
Played 16 minutes
trophy 0
Jan 2025 0 post
2 Months Ago
Played 21 minutes
Needs Work
juego muy malo y aburrido, lo unico que hay que hacer es moverte por el agua y apretar un boton, ademas de que el personaje es extremadamente lento 10 años para llegar a algo que esta a un metro y eso sin hablar de la cantidad de bugs que tiene como el de la camara el de tercera persona que se glichea y de la pistola que no te siguen bien tiene delay. Bodrio bodrio tan malo que ni mi abuela en estado vegetal posria soportar tanto tiempo sin hacer nadota.No le recomiendo a nadie este juego que solo tiene como 8 modelos
trophy 40
Jul 2022 0 post
2 Months Ago
Played 18 minutes
Very atmospheric! was partly covering my eyes the whole time while playing
trophy 75
Aug 2024 9 posts
3 Months Ago
Played 50 minutes
Shows Promise
Of course it doesn't work, that's why it's marked as in development. I have a feeling that this will be a very cool game when it is finished.