About Explorer Base

A simple character controller I made for future projects. This is mainly meant to be for exploration and looking around S&box maps! Character controller features first and third person cameras, also a flashlight for the darker maps.

Thanks to Carson Kompon for the character controller, and also the Facepunch Github for the map selector and footstep sound events!
Carson Kompon Video> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hDENSPlCts
Facepunch Github> https://github.com/Facepunch/sbox-walker

I just modified it to have some quality-of-life features.

Hold esc. to exit
ctr is crouch
shift is sprint
F is the Flashlight
B is for Zoom
T is Thirdperson
Q is Options Menu

(current) Update 2.0:
Added: Map Selector, and an options menu.
Fixed: Spawning outside map.
