OverDOSe Office
Have you heard about OverDOSe?
- OverDOSe is a new Disc Operated System for medical Records.
(Developed by Gnomefig!)
What assets were used?
- We used
Opium Assets and
Small fish assets from there game
(+ Our own assets)
How long did it take to make this map?
- This map was quite quick to make in total it took a week of time.
(Everything is possible when you say: NO SLEEP)
What was the most problematic problem?
- Light. It was really hard to make it work.
(Currently light complexity tool doesn't work, as of 30/06/2024)
Who worked on this map?
- Me
(Grafis) and Rod
#This going to be just another of those : *Maps are important*
#What makes a good gamemode? or a game?
#I will just make alot of different short texts without any reason for it.
# - Grafis 02/07/24
Size - 69.3MB