Have you heard about Strange Apartments 11?
- Strange Apartments 11 is a new budget friendly  Apartments for everyone!
(Developed by Gnomefig!)

  What assets were used?
 - We used Opium Assets +  and Small fish assets from there game MY SUMMER COTTAGE
   (+ Our home-made assets.)

  Why does it Say "Strage Apa-rments" in the logo?
- Well... I was a bit... sleepless and this is how it came out. (Happened like 4 months ago..)

Does it map use AI for the logo?
- No.. just really overworked humans. (Those humans being me)

  Why did it take so long to make another map?
 - Well, I didn't really... have an explanation.

  Why are those Apartments Strange? In what way?
 - I won't spoil much... But they are quite strange in there own ways.

  Who worked on this map?
- Me (Grafis) and Rod (Rodri)

#This going to be just another of those : *Why do we like the old things?*
#All things are old. Because they have age after they been created.
#The only new thing is something that is not created.

#I will just make alot of different short texts without any reason for it. 
# - Grafis 03/06/25