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V2 Update Out Now!

Yeah so I thought this would be out a lot sooner. I ran into an engine level crash that prevented me from working on this game any further. And then I lost all motivation to work on it. And now we're here! The update's out now and it's a lot better than it was before. Some things had to be cut for the sake of getting it out, and it's still a bit rough around the edges (especially UI wise) but I hope you like it!
I already covered this in the announcement post, but yeah levels are infinite now! While obstacles aren't randomly generated, the level stretches on forever!
Just for fun, I added a lot more oompf to certain effects. Primarily whenever you die, the game slows down and shows you the impact, with your character flying much further. And with a brand new obstacle, you can even gib yourself!
It's no secret that the old version was very generous in counting your distance. I've dialled back a few calculations and created a new leader board which you can view on the game's page!
I've learnt a lot in my time working on this game, but I never want to touch it again. So this will be the end of Terry Surfers support unless there is high demand for it. I wanted more for this game but it was not meant to be. Luckily I have some really cool projects in the works, some that I hope you'll all enjoy. In fact, heres a little sneak peak of one right now!

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