A small sandbox showcasing physics-based VR interactions in S&box. This will make you motion sick if you are not accustomed to games like Boneworks or Blade & Sorcery.
VR Controls:
- Right A down - prep jump
- Right A up - release jump
- Grip squeeze - grab
- Grip release - drop
- Right joystick Left/Right - snap turn
- Left joystick press - Start sprint
2D Fallback Controls:
- WSAD - Move
- Space down - prep jump
- Space up - release jump
- Q/E - rotate
- Mouse 1/2 - grab/drop with left/right hand
- Arrow keys - move hands
- Smooth locomotion
- Decoupled head and body colliders allow leaning over objects
- Jump using spring forces
- Climbing
- Valve Index finger bending
- Simulated crouch-jumping
- Camera wall clipping prevention
- Smooth grab; grabbing an object creates a fixed joint, then tweens joint points to the proper positions
- Grab poses
- Grab pose blending
- Procedural grab poses
- Contextual alt grab poses; grabbing the gun with your other hand will have a different pose
- Weight simulation
- 2D fallback controller
- Finger physics like in Batman: Arkham Shadow
- Improve grab pose editor
- Experiment with different joint types for grabs
- Better hand mesh/rig
- Full body VR IK