"Super Incredible Epic but Simple" Dynamic Crosshair (should have put that name)
What is this? A gameplay tool / feature that allows to add customizable crosshair to your game. The system blends smoothly between different presets or custom values. The addon Includes 6 different example presets.Features:
Diameter (+ smoothing value) Color (+ smoothing value) Thickness (+ smoothing value) Frequency (+ smoothing value) Rotation Rotation Speed Follow cursor or locked How do I add a new custom preset? Right click on your Assets folder -> New -> Dynamic Crosshair -> Dynamic Crosshair Preset
I want to change the default crosshair Inside Dynamic Crosshair.prefab assign the default preset of your liking
How do I change the preset via code? DynamicCrosshairManager.Instance.ApplyPreset( myPreset ); can I call this on Update? Yes.What is Mode? The crosshair can either be locked in the center of the screen or follow the cursor for other games other than first persons. You can change it at runtime like this:
DynamicCrosshairManager.Instance.Mode = DynamicCrosshairManager.MovementMode.ScreenCenter;