About VR Hand Left

Facepunch arms cut off at the wrist and set up for VR similarly to the Alyx hands.
Animgraph params:
- bEnableIk_Index (bool)
- bEnableIk_Middle (bool)
- bEnableIk_Pinky (bool)
- bEnableIk_Ring (bool)
- bEnableIk_Thumb (bool)
- FingerCurl_Index (float: 0.0-1.0; networked and predicted)
- FingerCurl_Middle (float: 0.0-1.0; networked and predicted)
- FingerCurl_Pinky (float: 0.0-1.0; networked and predicted)
- FingerCurl_Ring (float: 0.0-1.0; networked and predicted)
- FingerCurl_Thumb (float: 0.0-1.0; networked and predicted)
- FingerSplay_Thumb (float: 0.0-1.0)
- IKTarget_Index (vector, local space)
- IKTarget_Middle(vector, local space)
- IKTarget_Pinky (vector, local space)
- IKTarget_Ring (vector, local space)
- IKTarget_Thumb (vector, local space)
- skeletalInput (enum: Off, Reference, LiveWithoutController, LiveWithController; networked)