This library is currently unfinished , some parameters are missing and i only implemented ParticleFloat for the moment the others are to come

Shader and Particle System

Shader and Particle System is a simple library that exposes a few utilitary components to manage shader attribute setting in particle system.

The ShaderParticleModelRenderer is the a custom version of the ParticleModelRenderer. Adds the ParticleShader feature wich let's you set render attributes for each particle model with particle variables like ParticleFloat.

The ParticleEffectsManager is a component that will find every ParticleEffect in the childrens of the gameobject it is set on and let you pause , restart and set their timescale so it's easier to preview particle system with multiple particle effects playing

Same as the default RingEmitter but has an "Even Angle" option so the particle are spread evenly around the ring

Same as the ShaderParticleModelRender but instead it's to set the attributes for a ModelRenderer sceneobject. Useful if you wanna preview a shader effect quicly on a model it's a plus.

As of now that is all, feel free to tell me your suggestions and the possible issue you might encounter