Really nice strategy game. Very simple compare to paradox games, but still engaging. I hope it will get better with time, because I waited for such game in s&box for a while. P.S. I saw latter comment wishing the intro was skippable. It is changeble in settings. But to add to the critisism. My biggest complaint is the combat system. The way it works is that if your army is defeated it gets wiped out regardless, so the meta is just to spam the strongest units in one army and to have many many small armies to capture territories. This way I won, while playing as one of the weakest nation, which started having army only when most of the world was captured by the local germany thing (basically I defeated the whole world with one country). Even though it took like 30 frustrating minutes of running around with small armies trying to capture territories while trying to live from one resource income tick to another, which I used to build more small armies, to capture more land, while also constantly losing it. 300 ore is what is needed to win. You build the meta army of 30 strongest units 10 ore each and then this army just wipes everything your enemy has.