But you might want to load a model from code. Well, that's easy too.
var entity = new ModelEntity();
entity.Model = Cloud.Model( "facepunch.wooden_crate" );attribute 'data-code' not allowedattribute 'data-language' not allowedattribute 'contenteditable' not allowedattribute 'blocktype' not allowed
That's how easy it is. You can even use the Url..
var entity = new ModelEntity();
entity.Model = Cloud.Model( "https://asset.party/facepunch/traffic_cone" );attribute 'data-code' not allowedattribute 'data-language' not allowedattribute 'contenteditable' not allowedattribute 'blocktype' not allowed
When you publish your game, the model is included just like it was a part of your game. The model will be downloaded automatically when people play your game.