A ton of people are asking for beta keys, when is release, how much will it cost, will it have workshop, what the server browser will look like, so I think I need to clear it up.
This is a prototype. We're having fun.
It might turn into something, we might release it, but at the moment we have no plans.
Our immediate plan is to make a multiplayer deathmatch gamemode. Then make it rock solid. Then stand back and critique what we've done, our APIs, our methods. Then fix and polish, then repeat.
We've gotten a bit distracted from that as of late, chasing flashy things and playing with new toys, and multiplayer is fundementally broken, so I'm hoping we can pull it back together over the next couple of weeks.
We plan to do regular rust style devblogs from now on. I'm a big fan of them. They're useful for the team, to be able at the end of a week to look back and see what you've achieved and to get a clearer idea of what you want to do the following week.
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