May 2021
Posted 3 years ago
Nice standard month this month. Nothing amazing, nothing too sparkly - just getting shit sorted - making things a little bit less shit every day.

Over the next month I'd like to see us have more direction with the world art. I'd love to have construct pretty much done and ideally not using any Rust assets. I'd like to start deleting some of the more problematic Rust assets. I'd like to get the party system working and have party follow the host into games. I'd like to be automatically hiding gamemodes that are generating compile errors. I'd also love to have VR working, even if it makes you throw up.

I'd also really love to create a couple of gamemodes of my own and add more to DM98. We have to balance what we want to get done with what we need to do for the community, because that list ain't shrinking on its own, but dogfooding is a pretty good way to get at the nub of fundamental problems.

See you next month ??