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Dead 4 Left: Major Bug Fixes

I've fixed Dead 4 Left (I think)
Most of the bugs that have been fixed were network-related.

Networking Fixes:

Being unable to kill zombies spawned from another client. 
Being unable to view zombie's animations when joining a server. 
Inconsistent damage being broadcast between clients.

General Improvements:

Viewmodels are more responive and don't take up as much as the screen.
Animations for Zombies now use wishvelocity values, which increases the smoothness of the animations.
This is probably the last big update of fixes for Dead 4 Left, the code is very hard to work, since I've improved my abilities since starting work on this project (Opening the scene folder crashes the game lol).  I felt bad having such a bad networking experience for a game that has almost 4k players (wtf). I will continue updating it for API changes, etc. You never know if a new feature is added by Facepunch and it could benefit the game, I'll add it.

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