About Genesis RPG

Hello! We are a small team consisting of about 4 people right now. While we all have creative backgrounds, s&box is a new beast to us; and we've been working to learn as much as we can -- while trying to develop something fun and playable.

We were hopeful to have more done by the end of gamejam, however with learning the ins and outs of sbox during this time, and also most of our team members having their own obligations to keep up with... it unfortunately didn't happen the way we envisioned.

That said, regardless of Game Jam results we plan to continue working on Genesis until we can fully deliver on at least the more core-pieces of the roadmap provided below.

Lead dev - Oneleg
Assist dev - Skiian
Level dev - Cru
Music - Strelok 2033
(art made by beo)

Known issues:
- Loot logic doesn't reset properly at all times
- Ammo isn't independent
- Respawn logic needs work
- Colliders need refining in some spots

Basic Roadmap (will write more soon)

- Multiplayer integration
- Class system
- Outpost system
- Larger map (prefab scene rotation?)
- Expanded inventory
- More mutations
- Custom models/animations