Capture a screenshot from a camera component and use it as a texture in your scene, or save it as a PNG or JPEG! 

By SamFadi

Example of use :

// Display the rendered texture to UI
    <Image Texture=@RenderTexture style="width: 128; height: 128" />

    public CameraComponent Camera { get; set; }

    Texture RenderTexture { get; set; }

    public override void Tick()
        if ( Camera is null ) return;

        // Take a screenshot of size 128x128 (static method)
        RenderTexture = BasicScreenshot.TakeScreenshot(Camera, 128, 128);


Methods for Texture format :

static public Texture TakeScreenshot(CameraComponent cameraComponent, Vector2 size, ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.RGBA8888, bool log = false)

static public Texture TakeScreenshot(CameraComponent cameraComponent, int width, int height, ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.RGBA8888, bool log = false) 

static public Texture TakeScreenshot(GameObject camera, int width, int height, ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.RGBA8888, bool log = false) 

static public Texture TakeScreenshot(GameObject camera, Vector2 size, ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.RGBA8888, bool log = false)  

Methods for PNG & JPEG format

static public void TakeScreenshotAndSaveAsPng(CameraComponent cameraComponent, string path, Vector2 size, ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.RGBA8888, int mip = 0, bool log = true) 

static public void TakeScreenshotAndSaveAsJpeg(CameraComponent cameraComponent, string path, Vector2 size, ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.RGBA8888, int mip = 0, bool log = true) 

Texture to image

static public void TextureToJpeg(Texture texture, string path, int mip = 0, bool log = true) 

static public void TextureToPng(Texture texture, string path, int mip = 0, bool log = true)