New Features Updates

You can vote skip videos now. Simply open the theater menu and press vote button in theater control box. The required number of votes automatically adjusts based on the number of players currently in the theater location.
For example, if you are alone in the theater, only one vote is needed. However, if there are more than one player, two or more votes will be required to skip.
Now hosts have the ability to kick players.

Also, the feature to obtain a link to a Steam profile has been added.
I could have implemented direct viewing of a player's profile in the game, but unfortunately steam domains are blacklisted on WebSurface. So yeah, only copy link remains.

Bans are still under development. And, honestly, i'm not sure if its make sense.

In the game settings, you can now enable private lobbies. Friends will not be able to join such a lobby and thats sucks.

In the future, i may implement password to join, which you can also set in the settings, but for now, my attempts have hit a dead end in the final stage.

I understand how important this is, as I know there are cheaters who can spoil your cinema experience, or just unpleasant individuals. But for now, I can only offer kicks.

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