s&castle is my entry for s&box's first tech jam! I started this project with the goal of making a unique and realistic environment that highlights what is possible in the scene system, utilizing volumetric fog, dynamic lighting, custom shaders, hand-sculpted 3D models, and a lot of caffeine!

I hope you enjoy taking in the view around the castle grounds. Thanks for playing!


All 3D assets, with the following exceptions, were created by me (EddieDingle) over the course of a month.

Earth's Moon 3D Model by NASA - https://science.nasa.gov/resource/earths-moon-3d-model/
Night Sky HDRI 002 by AmbientCG - https://ambientcg.com/view?id=NightSkyHDRI002
Norway Spruce texture set by Quixel - https://www.fab.com/listings/d1a66c01-996c-4e41-9208-efd072b674fd
Ivy texture set by Quixel - https://www.fab.com/listings/3b1fc437-a573-4ced-9d37-5482edcc32de
Terrain textures by Quixel - https://www.fab.com/sellers/Quixel
Fire texture by Facepunch - https://www.sbox.game/