Hello, my name is travis. Since s&box went public i've been working (mostly) solo on KOTH; a first-person class-based shooter, inspired by my favourite games TF2 & CS. Currently the game's in an Indev development state so things will be changing fast, expect a little turbulance.
The Game currently features; 3 playable classes each with their own unique loadouts & feel, a multiplayer map featuring the current KOTH gamemode, & a singleplayer map to help those get to grips with the mechanics. The game itself is a fork of facepunch's HC1 with a bunch of systems modified (movement, damage, gamemode, etc) & a bunch more added.
Playtesting thus far has been very fun & rewarding- its fun to shoot people in this game, that was the main goal. Though keeping players round in the game's current state is a little challenging. There's a lot that needs beefing up, though I'm confident with the current path of the game.
A particular weakpoint is the game's visuals; I'm not a visual person & the game is suffering as a result. I'm currently looking for people to help in this department.
Something that sets this game apart from the other's is its clear vision, KOTH is actually a vertical-slice of a wider project called BLUE-MURDER. Therefore a lot of the current games systems are built around features that are still in devlopment. I don't want to give too much away, but there's a lot still to come for this game & I'm excited for its future.
With that said if you are interesting in joining development in any role please send an email to [email protected]