Blocks and Bullets receives it's second content update, King of the Hill update. Besides of a new gamemode, we're adding NPC zombies into zombie infection gamemode and two new maps. This isn't a lot, but hopefully we also get a chance to properly test new content from previous update this time, too!  

We will also host new playtest on February 22nd, 19:00 GMT (2PM EST). Join Small Fish discord to stay tuned for latest updates on the playtest, we will also hang out in the voice chat during the event! 
King of the Hill is a new gamemode where two teams are tasked to capture & hold the area until they reach required amount of team points to win.

Your team gets a score point every second while capture point belongs to your team. Enemy team will try to steal it from you, so you must keep defending this area until you win! Capture area is invincible to block damage and cannot be destroyed, which should make the game a bit more fair, however blocks built by players still can be destroyed. Buildings will be helpful for attacking & defending.

note from wheatleymf: Currently there are only two maps made for KOTH, however in the near future there will be more maps in the pool, hopefully. 
For the past two weeks I've been working on implementing NPCs into Blocks & Bullets with the final goal of supporting player bots for all gamemodes.
We'll use some basic zombie NPCs for the gamemode Infection, where they will roam the world and help the infected hunt down the survivors.

In the future we'll have entire PvE gamemodes around NPCs, for now we'll support spawning them in through console commands.
We will be testing these zombies during the upcoming playtest, so if you're interested, feel free to join us on February 22nd. :-) 

Canyonas is a new map for KOTH and Team Deathmatch gamemodes. In "King of the Hill" gamemode, your task will be capturing and holding the giant satellite. No, we don't know why your team needs to hold this satellite so much. Maybe it broadcasts some very important information.

Most of the map is a barren sand field with a few covers, but there are also big desert cliffs that you can climb on and use as your advantage. If you don't want to run across the fields to reach the satellite, this map has a small cliff and some wooden scaffoldings underneath... but be careful: water on this map is deadly!

While this wasn't tested yet, I've also enabled team deathmatch as another gamemode supported for this map. I can't promise it will be a good experience, since design was build
This is another map made for the King of the Hill gamemode, this time it's set in the city environment. Bridge in the middle is what you must capture. There are multiple ways to get there: climbing at the top and passing through small houses, or going out to the parking lane. There's a little tunnel and sewers you can pass through underneath.

Layout is mirrored, which means that path to the middle is the same for both teams. Everything (except for the bridge) can be destroyed though, so nothing stops you from digging a secret underground tunnel, or blowing up everything on enemy's spawn.

This map has been enabled for Team Deathmatch, too. We'll see how it works! 
ceitine set up bunch of new achievements you can get for playing the game. There are killstreak achievements now! Also some other gameplay events are rewarded now.
While there are achievements that reward you for doing nothing or losing, we highly recommend against trying to  get these achievements on purpose. Don't forget that lobby owners can kick/ban people from matches now! :-)

We will add more achievements in the near future, with a focus on specific gamemodes and more fun/obscure parts of the gameplay. 
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