November Update
Posted one month ago
When you wanted to draw a HUD, like draw a crosshair or something, you had to use UI Panels. People were animating their crosshairs using transitions and keyframes. Which is cool that it works, but it also feels like a big old slog when all you want to do is draw rectangles on the screen.

So I added a HUD drawing API. This lets you draw to the HUD from anywhere in code.
protected override void OnUpdate()

if ( Scene.Camera is null )

var hud = Scene.Camera.Hud;

hud.DrawRect( new Rect( 300, 300, 10, 10 ), Color.White );

hud.DrawLine( new Vector2( 100, 100 ), new Vector2( 200, 200 ), 10, Color.White );

hud.DrawText( new TextRendering.Scope( "Hello!", Color.Red, 32 ), Screen.Width * 0.5f );
Matt is working on more cool 2d drawing stuff, that we'll hopefully ship next month.