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Domain Warping

Over the past few days I've been working in the background on Domain Warping. This is the process of pinching, stretching, bending, twisting, and applying other properties to a noise generated image. Since this widget does nothing but generate noise images, it's perfect!

Below you'll see an example and island generated HeightMap, the right most image has the new domain warping method applied to it.

As you can see the right most image has a more natural looking island shape instead of being mostly circular.
In the widget, I've given three controls related to this noise altering method.
  • Toggle Domain Warping (On/Off)
  • Slider for Domain Warping Size
  • Slider for Domain Warping Strength
Utilizing these settings will give you similar results if you know what you're looking at across all terrain types. For example, lets look at the island HeightMap/SplatMaps.

As you can see in the figures above, adjusting the Warp Size higher, you'll get a longer warp, if you combine this will increase the Warp Strength, you'll end up with large and more curve to the warp.
