Map Launch is Live! PLUS JAM RESULTS

Top 5!

Marble Racer has officially placed 4th out of over 110 entries to s&box's Game Jam 2! I couldn't be more pleased with this results - a huge congrats to the other winners and to everyone who submitted! Getting anything playable for a jam is no small feat and the competition this jam was absolutely fierce. I look forward to continuing to try out the jam submissions I haven't gotten to yet!

Launch With Map

With today's results inspiring me, and some helpful pointers from Carson, I got Map Select working (at least functional...) with Marble Racer! You can now right-click the game and select any map you'd like to play on, and you + your marble will load in! The timer will be counting up, but there's no goal or objective at this time. It should support up to 8 players, just like a normal lobby. Additionally, since I couldn't account for the heights of maps the way I do in the base game, I disabled the kill floor, and for now you have to type !respawn if you fall out of a map or otherwise get stuck. Give it a try and let me know what maps are your favorites to roll around in! Plus, if you've got ideas for what you'd like to do as a marble in these maps, do let me know! I've got some ideas of my own but I'd absolutely love to hear more.

A Huge Thank You

Finally, a huge thank you to everyone in the s&box community. This past month of sleepless nights and weekends was made especially memorable by the welcoming developers and enthusiastic players I met throughout my month-long journey into learning this new engine. I'll have to split my attention between Slime 64 and s&box projects going forward, but I look forward to making cool and fun projects on the platform when I'm able! If you've ever got questions or suggestions, hit me up!
