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Z&Box Reviews

not that playable at the moment but theres definitely potentail to be a pretty fun zombie survival game i really like the fact that they react to sound at the moment has to work on combat and sounds and to add a bit more to the map although the structure is really good as well find solution to the edges.
def needs work, but i like where its goin
5 Days Ago
I Love this game hopefully it gets updated and sees something bright in the future
8 Days Ago
9 Days Ago
Needs some work
10 Days Ago
eeeehhhhh it feels sloppy and rushed but I can see it working, why are the weapon animations so damn fast lol
11 Days Ago
shit sucks ass
12 Days Ago
more zombie survival
13 Days Ago
13 Days Ago
very bare bones, almost like a test build if anything. I do think it could develop into something cool if the developer continues but there's really nothing worth talking about here.
14 Days Ago
needs about 70 years of work
16 Days Ago
18 Days Ago
could use some work! has a solid start
need to finish
19 Days Ago
Far form finished but has potential!
19 Days Ago
Very bare bones, needs more depth to be considered more then just a test.
19 Days Ago
There is need to be finished.
20 Days Ago
bag of SHIT
20 Days Ago
Hey, just finished playing Z&BOX and here’s what I noticed: - Inventory Management: It’d be a lot smoother if we could drag and drop items from zombie loot into the inventory. Also, closing the inventory with ESC would be a nice touch. - AI Pathfinding: The enemy AI throws errors when it can’t find a path to the player. Adding some error checks (like ensuring the list isn’t empty) should fix this. - Sound Issues: The USP gunshot sound is definitely misplaced — it sounds like it’s coming from the wrong part of the map, even though some other weapons have the sound in the right spot. - Collision Problems: Enemies can walk right through me. Looks like colliders might be missing? - Respawn Glitch: I encountered a bug where I could respawn in the normal game mode but couldn’t move afterward. - Menu Navigation: Your custom pause menu is being overlapped by the standard in-game pause menu. Disabling the default one from s&box should fix this. These fixes would really improve the game. Hope this feedback helps!
21 Days Ago
could be a very cool game theres just no online
21 Days Ago
this game has potential tbh
22 Days Ago
Cool concept, would love to see this developed further and added polish
Sparse, but a good concept.
23 Days Ago
I disagree with Dave.
24 Days Ago
Zombie like to push into players what couse me to stuck between walls of building.
25 Days Ago
Would love to see this developed further!
25 Days Ago
26 Days Ago
good base
26 Days Ago
26 Days Ago
This Game at its current state works really great as base for future expansion, and has high potential
27 Days Ago
I like it, it's very basic for now but show a lot of promise